Woke California District Attorney Finds Himself in Hot Water

AP Photo/Olga R. Rodrigues

The results of a recent poll revealed that the wokest city in America has grown weary of the wokery infused into its law enforcement by woke prosecutors who are more concerned with adhering to the tenets of wokeism than protecting civilians. The survey revealed that a majority of San Francisco voters plan to vote to recall district attorney Chesa Boudin, who prefers safeguarding criminals over law-abiding citizens.


The poll, conducted by EMC Research, shows that about 68 percent of likely primary voters indicated they would be voting to oust Boudin. This includes a whopping 64 percent of registered Democrats. Even worse, almost three-fourths of respondents had an unfavorable opinion of the DA and 61 percent believe he is “responsible for rising crime rates in San Francisco, especially burglaries and thefts.”

Boudin has been widely criticized for his refusal to punish criminals. He declared he would not prosecute cases involving “quality-of-life crimes” like “public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination [or] blocking a sidewalk,” according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

The San Francisco Police Department published data showing that crime has seen a significant increase under Boudin. Burglaries rose to over 7,000 in 2021 and motor vehicle thefts rose to about 6,000.

Smash and grab operations have become rampant in the city, with individuals making off with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of merchandise and causing tremendous damage. It has forced Walgreens to close multiple stores in the city last year. It can be no wonder that the poll also revealed that 73 percent of residents did not agree that Boudin was “keeping San Francisco safe” and that 69 percent did not believe he “does what is best for the community.”

The current effort to recall the DA is the second attempt. The first one failed to oust Boudin. But this one seems to have a much better chance of success as San Franciscans continue to suffer the consequences of his decisions. It turns out even the wokest of the woke still want safety. These folks don’t want to worry about thugs burglarizing their homes, stealing their cars, and looting their businesses.


Whoda thunk it?

It is also worth noting that this is not the only situation in which San Franciscans are rejecting wokeism. Last month, they voted to remove three members of the city’s school board for prioritizing wokeism over the concerns of parents and their children. They focused more on renaming schools that were named after “problematic” historical figures instead of trying to get kids back in class amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Of course, this does not mean there is some kind of conservative renaissance occurring in the city. But it does show that there is only so much wokeism people are willing to take even if they subscribe to the ideology. But, as I am fond of saying, the hard left just can’t help itself, so it is unlikely they will learn a lesson from this.


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