Maybe Conservatives Shouldn't Be All That Worried About Cancel Culture


This might seem counterintuitive, but perhaps conservatives shouldn’t be as concerned about the spread of cancel culture. Yes, I realize it is a societal cancer that should be cut from American life with rusty dagger. But is it possible that we might be looking at this phenomenon all wrong?


Perhaps the cancel culture crowd isn’t as powerful as we might believe.

You may have already heard the story of Alexi McCammond, a black editor at Teen Vogue who was recently canceled because she allegedly made homophobic and other bigoted remarks when she was a teenager in high school. (See: Cancel Culture Becomes Cannibal Culture: Teen Vogue Parts With Black Editor Over Past Tweets)

McCammond was fired from her position after only working for one day. RedState’s Kira Davis wrote: “So it was unfortunate when McCammond went from being hailed as a progressive icon in the fashion editorial industry to a problematic racist on just her first day on the job.”

At the age of 17, McCammond joked about waking up with “Asian eyes” and used the word “homo” on social media. Now, she has lost her opportunity to work for a major media, activist publication.

But, as it turns out, there is even more to this saga.

Fox News reported, “A senior Teen Vogue staffer who posted a letter expressing concern about Alexi McCammond for past tweets racist against Asian Americans used the N-word in tweets from over 10 years ago herself.”

The report continued:

Christine Davitt, senior social media manager at Teen Vogue in 2009 wrote two tweets to a friend identifying him as a “ni–a,” and in 2010 used the word “ni–a” in a joke tweet. The friend appears to be White.

Davitt says in multiple tweets that she is of mixed Irish and Filipino descent.


After McCammond’s 10-year-old remarks surfaced, Davitt posted a letter on Instagram from Teen Vogue employees expressing their concerns to the publication’s management about hiring the editor. In the caption, Davitt wrote, “So proud of my @teenvogue colleagues. The work continues…”

After McCammond announced she would not be working for Teen Vogue because her tweets “overshadowed the work I’ve done to highlight the people and issues that I care about,” Davitt tweeted: “[Exhales the deepest sigh I’ve ever sighed].”

But it appears that Davitt was virtue signaling too soon. Now, her problematic remarks, which were made two years before McCammond’s, have come to light.

In 2011, Davitt tweeted: “Outdone by Asian. #Whatsnew.”

In another tweet, she wrote, “Now googling how to not wake up with swollen, Asian eyes.”

She also posted another tweet complaining about a “stupid Asian T.A.”

At this point, it is evident that one could cut the hypocrisy at Teen Vogue’s offices with a butter knife. The fact that someone like Davitt could publicly excoriate McCammond, when she knew she has engaged in the same behavior, is telling; she likely thought nobody would bother to pull up her social media past.

It is worth noting that this story is quite different from others that involve the use of cancel culture to ruin someone’s career. While hard-left cancel warriors have targeted people on their side, they have not gone after a black woman. Indeed, the bulk of their efforts have been centered on white men. MSNBC media activist Joy Reid faced no consequences when her old, homophobic remarks emerged.


McCammond’s story, along with Davitt’s, seems to be an indicator that those who weaponize cancel culture are intensifying their efforts, expanding their usual list of targets. Any sensible person knows these people don’t truly care about anti-Asian racism, or any other type for that matter. In fact, they LOVE bigotry, almost as much as they LOVE Hitler. Both serve as useful political weapons against those they wish to dominate.

Still, as I have argued previously, this trend cannot last. It is simply not possible for people to live in a society in which they have to worry about themselves, or their loved ones, becoming a target of cynical social media activists.

A backlash is inevitable. As more mothers have to comfort children who have lost out on opportunities because of stupid things they said years ago, a clapback will be forthcoming. As more men have trouble supporting their families because of some comment they made years ago, you can bet an social uprising is on the horizon. Even when people see more of their favorite actors, athletes, musicians, and other entertainers canceled for past statements, more of us will finally realize how ridiculous this trend has become.

Even on the left, people will be looking sideways at cancel culturists when they start targeting minorities for societal oblivion. Moreover, when the left starts suffering because of this social trend, more of them will be willing to stand against it. As the hard left continues to overreach, people on both sides will become fed up and perhaps the purveyors of this social ill will become the targets.


The main problem with cancel culture is that, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the punishment does not fit the “crime.” The inherent unfairness is why it is destined for failure.

In essence, it is very possible that cancel culture will cancel itself. Of course, it is not easy to predict how long this rebellion will take to manifest, but judging by the hard left’s doubling down on this odious political tactic, it could happen sooner than we think.


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