Activist Media Whines About Fox News’ Pivot

Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour


Fox News made some pretty significant changes over the past week. The network changed its daytime lineup and cut some of its staff. It is apparent that the company is attempting to earn back the viewers it lost after the presidential election and its ratings plummeted. It is not clear whether this new move will work, but what is obvious is that it has got the activist media’s collective panties in a bunch.


The Washington Post published a piece in which they found Fox employees who were disgruntled about the lineup change and gave them a space to vent. One employee told The Post that the network sent “a message that they care about opinion more than news.”

Another worker was upset because host Maria Bartiromo was given a prime spot after making questionable remarks regarding technology company Smartmatic, which builds voting machines. The network later had to retract several misleading statements about the company. “It is ludicrous and disheartening that we are rewarding [Bartiromo] with a prime-time spot, knowing full well she is among the most responsible for propagating the big election lie,” said a second news division staffer.

Another speculated, “Maybe they wanted that sizzling-hot opinion anger.”

“They want to restore their conservative base. They’re going to serve the people who brought them to the dance,” said Carl Cameron, Fox’s former chief political correspondent. “Conservatives are going to want to hear what’s wrong with Joe Biden. It’s easier for Fox to beat Newsmax and everybody else back into the woods than it is for them to try to compete with the real journalism networks.”

The Daily Beast also had a bit of a conniption over Fox’s new moves. They also sought out the network’s disgruntled employees. Some told the outlet that they were “part of the network’s larger effort to pivot its website from straight-news reporting to right-wing opinion content in the mold of Fox’s primetime programming.”


“There is a concerted effort to get rid of real journalists,” said a former staffer. “They laid capable people off who were actual journalists and not blind followers.”

“It’s essentially the final nail in the coffin for digital journalism at Fox,” another former employee insisted.

On Twitter, several left-wing media activists weighed in.

New York Times columnist Ben Smith tweeted, “So they’re purging the reality-based people, and elevating Maria Bartiromo, the clearest voice of Trump’s lies.”

Stuart Leavenworth, a journalist with The Los Angeles Times also chimed in. “It’s doubtful Trump could have radicalized as many Americans without Fox News, Hannity, Tucker Carlson & Laura Ingraham. They, among others, helped parrot Trump’s falsehoods and bring us to this moment,” he tweeted.

Several other news outlets published pieces attempting to take Fox News to task for supposedly becoming an outlet focused on opinion instead of objective reporting. I’ll confess: Writing this sentence without bursting into laughter is probably my crowning achievement when it comes to doing political commentary.


The hard truth here is that none of these media activists have any room to complain about any conservative outlet injecting too much opinion into their reportage. Activist media organizations like CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, Washington Post, and several others, function as the de facto propaganda wing of the Democratic Party and have done so for decades.

Over the past four years, their anti-conservative bias has been so egregious that the notion that they would try to call out Fox News can’t be taken seriously. Their reporting has been overwhelmingly dishonest, which is why trust in the media has dropped precipitously. Unfortunately for them, they still have not learned their lesson.


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