Democrat Officials Are Already Lying About Upcoming Pro-Trump Rally In D.C.

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin


Less than a week before the results of the presidential election are to be certified, officials in the District of Columbia are fearmongering about a pro-Trump rally scheduled for the same day in the nation’s capital. These individuals claim that the event is being backed by extremists despite knowing that the rally will feature well-known conservative activists and lawmakers from across the nation.


The rally’s website states that the event will have a wide array of right-leaning speakers including Kimberly Fletcher, founder of Moms for America, school safety activist Andrew Pollack, Jenny Beth Martin from Tea Party Patriots, and other activists.

Breitbart News reported that several lawmakers will also participate in the event, including “Reps. Lance Gooden (R-TX) and Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Reps.-elect Lauren Boebert (R-CO) and Marjorie Greene (R-GA), and State Reps. Vernon Jones (D-GA), Mark Finchem (R-AZ), Doug Mastriano (R-PA), and Anthony Kern (R-AZ).

But, apparently, District of Columbia Attorney General Karl Racine wants us to believe that these individuals are violent right-wing extremists. During an interview on CBS News’ “The Takeout” podcast, he told journalist Major Garrett that he is supposedly concerned about “far-fight” agitators showing up at the rally. “My level of anxiety is high. My preparation is even more intense than that,” he said.

He stated that he is concerned that members of the Proud Boys will attend the event to “pick fights, create damage, damage property, and then act in a very threatening way” towards historic black institutions like they did when they defaced a black church in mid-December. “[President Trump] literally really has given breath, fresh air and encouragement to hate groups. Hate is up dramatically since the president came into office,” Racine added.

A popular hotel and bar in the area that has become a popular gathering place for conservatives and members of the Proud Boys announced that it would be closing down this weekend after being pressured to do so by the left. “Hotel Harrington will be closed on January 4, 5, and 6. We will not be accommodating guests with the exception of our long-term residents who call our hotel home,” their statement read.


The Hill reported that the district’s government applied pressure on the hotel to get it to close. “D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser said the city government urged the bar to close early on Dec. 11-12 due to the protests,” they wrote “Several social justice organizations have called on their members to call the bar to request it condemn the Proud Boys and close during pro-Trump demonstrations, according to the [Washington] Post.”

It’s not hard to see what’s going on here is it? These Democratic officials are propagandizing, pretending that the Proud Boys are the real threat while completely ignoring radical leftist groups aligned with the Antifa movement. Any time a major conservative rally is held, these people creep out of their mother’s basements and show up to physically assault the participants. You never see the Proud Boys or other right-leaning groups attending left-wing demonstrations to pick fights, do you?

The Democrats are trying to distract, and they’re doing it ahead of time to give the activist media more room to work with. In a sense, they are priming their audience to believe that it is the right who is initiating violence.


To be fair, some members of the Proud Boys have engaged in thuggish behavior at various events. But the notion that they are anywhere in the same league as Antifa is absurd on its face. The fact of the matter is that without Antifa’s thugs trying to impose their will through political violence, members of the Proud Boys probably wouldn’t even show up at many of these events.

Tune back in after this weekend so you can see me dismantle the activist media’s lies about the rally. BYOB.


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