‘Fake News’: President Trump Shoots Down Activist Media’s Martial Law Narrative

(Joe Burbank/Orlando Sentinel via AP)

President Trump on Sunday shot down another narrative that the activist media has been peddling. In a morning tweet, he lambasted The New York Times for publishing a report claiming that he considered imposing martial law to overturn the election results.


The president slammed the Times for “bad reporting” and affirmed that he was not looking into martial law. “Martial law = Fake News. Just more knowingly bad reporting!” he tweeted.

On Saturday, The New York Times reported that Trump asked about a suggestion made by former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn that he deploy the military to “rerun” the presidential election. The Times indicated that it was not clear that Trump actually approved of the solution, but White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and White House counsel Pat Cipollone vigorously opposed the idea.

Over the past few weeks, several high-profile conservatives have called on Trump to impose martial law and use the military to switch the election results. Flynn tweeted a full-page ad in The Washington Times arguing that it was necessary to take executive action to prevent a “shooting civil war” over the presidential race.

In the tweet, Flynn wrote, “Freedom never kneels except for God.” The ad was taken out by a TEA Party-affiliated group known as “We The People Convention.” The ad references Abraham Lincoln’s decision to suspend habeas corpus during the Civil War and compared it to the unrest being perpetuated by radical left-wing extremists groups aligned with the Antifa movement. “Then, to advance their cause, these socialists are acting to ‘Defund the Police,’ creating chaos and suspending the rule of law that protects millions of average, and particularly minority, Americans,” the ad read.


The ad continued:

“The results being massive increases in violent crime and deaths in our cities and the destruction of small businesses orchestrated by those politicians and leftist groups, many funded by domestic and international communists. We are literally under attack from within!”

Virginia Republican state Sen. Amanda Chase, a gubernatorial candidate, echoed Flynn’s argument. She claimed that her state must have an election audit through the military if necessary. “President Trump should declare martial law as recommended by General Flynn,” she wrote in a Facebook post Tuesday.

Chase stated that the Democrats who hold majorities in the state legislature rolled back voter ID laws, mail-in signature requirements, and ballot chain-of-custody rules, which ostensibly led to widespread voter fraud in the state.

“You never want to suspend the Constitution,” she insisted. “You know the question is, if we get into an extreme situation where we feel like the Democratic Party has committed treason, we really don’t have much of a choice but to suspend the Constitution and have a very limited focus on martial law as it pertains to election integrity, and votes, and securing the equipment that we used to vote to ensure we get to the bottom of what happened.”


Attorney Lin Wood, a key leader in the “Stop The Steal” movement, also urged the president to impose martial law. In a tweet on Saturday, he wrote, “Patriots are praying tonight that @realDonaldTrump will impose martial law in disputed states, seize voting machines for forensic examination, & appoint @SidneyPowell1 as special counsel to investigate election fraud.”

Wood, along with Kraken attorney Sidney Powell is also one of the individuals trying to persuade Republican voters in Georgia to boycott the runoff elections so that the Democrats can take control of the Senate.

While there are certainly figures on the right who are calling for the suspension of the constitution to change the result of the presidential election, it’s clear that President Trump is not playing into that particular narrative. While the activist media would simply love to convince the public that he is behaving as a dictator, the truth is far different.


There are plenty of fringe elements on the right making outlandish suggestions. But outlets like The New York Times are attempting to make these individuals appear to be more mainstream than they actually are. Unfortunately for them, their attempt failed once again.


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