Republican Senators Call For Special Counsel Investigation Of Hunter Biden


It appears that an increasing number of Republican senators are concerned that the Hunter Biden issue will be squashed if President Trump does not win re-election. GOP lawmakers are calling for a special counsel to investigate the allegations related to Biden’s business dealings with foreign powers.


The Washington Examiner reported that Republicans have become more focused on Hunter, the son of former Vice President Joe Biden, as more facts regarding his case have emerged. After the New York Post published the story detailing the content of the younger Biden’s hard drive, GOP officials and the president called for an FBI investigation into the matter. 

The issue became even more urgent after Tony Bobulinski, Hunter Biden’s former business partner, held a press conference in which he alleged that the former vice president was lying when he claimed that he never discussed Hunter’s business dealings with his son. He also announced that he would be turning over three cell phones containing pertinent information to the Bureau. 

Texas Republican Sen. John Cornyn told the Washington Examiner that he supports the appointment of a special counsel to look into the affair. “Well, I think I’m not a big fan of special counsels, but I’m worried if Trump loses the election, then that will all be just swept under the rug,” he said. 

Sen. Ron Johnson, who chairs the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, explained that the panel concurred with Cornyn. “I’m not a fan of special counsels. In this case. It might be the only solution to make sure that we finally get to the bottom of this,” Johnson said. “Again, it all depends on the election result, but that might be appropriate in this situation.”


Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley also agreed, telling the Examiner that a special counsel might be necessary to ensure that the investigation continues regardless of whether Trump wins re-election or not. “I certainly think it should be investigated, and I think a special counsel may well be warranted,” he insisted. “My bottom line is I think the investigation needs to continue uninterrupted. So if it takes a special counsel to do that, then I’d be for it.”

According to the Examiner, some Republicans doubt that a special counsel is needed. Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley said, “I think we’ve got enough proof of everything that’s bad that they’ve done, and I think what we need is the FBI and the Department of Justice to do their job.” He continued, “I’ve studied this thing long enough. You don’t need a special counsel. Just go with the normal process.”

Florida GOP Sen. Marco Rubio told the Examiner that “It’s still premature to reach any conclusions on any of that. Obviously, authorities are looking at that material, and it depends on what they find.” 

It seems clear that a special counsel would be warranted in this situation for one apparent reason: If Biden wins the election, he will squash any investigation into his son’s business dealings. Some already suspect that he pressured the Ukrainian government to fire a prosecutor investigating the energy firm with whom his son had business dealings. There is no doubt that he would move to protect his son if he had the power to do so. 


Of course, a president can still fire a special counsel. However, if one is appointed, it could cost Biden politically if he were to make such a move. It is one of the reasons why Trump did not fire special counsel Robert Mueller, who conducted the Russia election interference investigation. Either way, at this point, an outside investigator seems to make sense in this case. 


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