Common Core is so Bad even Democrats are Starting to Reject It

Common Core horror stories abound, but until now, the most visible opponents of the educational takeover have been Republicans. Washington state’s Democrats have changed that. A few days ago, the leaders of the state party met and formally condemned the education standards. Per Fox News:


Leaders of the state Democratic Party have passed a resolution condemning the national education standards known as the Common Core, nearly five years after the state adopted the new learning goals.

At a party meeting in Olympia on Saturday, the Democrats approved a resolution saying the state was unfairly pressured into adopting the new standards.

They are asking the Legislature and Superintendent of Public Instruction Randy Dorn to back away from the Common Core and return to a similar list of education goals created in Washington state.

Dorn, for the record, is a Common Core supporter, so people in Washington will have a fight on their hands to back out of Common Core. Still, the fact that we actually have a state Democratic Party rejecting Common Core is huge news. They even sound like conservatives in the criticism. Common Core gives too much power to the federal government, corporate and special interests had too much say in the creation of the standards and that state legislatures adopted the proposals only under significant pressure from the US Department of Education.


This makes hatred of Common Core a bipartisan issue in Washington. The state Republican Party passed a similar resolution about a year ago. Hopefully, this will give those who oppose the standards in Washington state some momentum, and it makes for a great talking point for similar groups across the nation.


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