Karl Rove Got Planned Parenthood Its Komen Money Back & Wants You to Fund It Too

Karl Rove clearly, well, and truly does not want [mc_name name=’Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)’ chamber=’senate’ mcid=’C001098′ ] elected President of the United States. And he also does not want to see Planned Parenthood defunded.


People forget one important snippet from the saga of the Susan G. Komen Foundation cutting off funds to Planned Parenthood. Having cut off the funds to Planned Parenthood and facing public backlash, Nancy Brinker at Komen reserved course. Georgia’s former Secretary of State, Karen Handel, had been involved in the decision and Brinker with to Handel who documented this in her book:

Nancy’s reply stunned me. “Karen, I’ve talked to a lot of people. And even Karl says we have to backtrack. There’s just no other way.”

“Karl? Who’s Karl?”

She looked at me strangely as if I should know exactly who she was talking about. She said, “Karl Rove!”

I started laughing. Just when I thought things could not get more bizarre. What in the world did Karl Rove have to do with anything?

Handel, Karen. Planned Bullyhood: The Truth Behind the Headlines about the Planned Parenthood Funding Battle with Susan G. Komen for the Cure (Kindle Locations 2969-2973). Howard Books. Kindle Edition.

That’s right. Karl Rove encouraged Susan G. Komen Foundation to start feeding the death machine again. Now he is in the Wall Street Journal demanding Republicans keep funding the butchery.

He claims it is self-promotion. Interestingly enough, Rove is being joined by National Right to Life committee, which you will recall in 2003, the Rove and Bush White House got to come out in support of expanding Medicare. National Right to Life went so far as to decrease the pro-life ratings of Mike Pence, Jim DeMint, Marilyn Musgrave, and others for standing firm in favor of limited government.


Rove, in his Wall Street Journal piece, also cites Quinnipiac University polling.

Only 41% of Americans support cutting off taxpayer money to Planned Parenthood, and 51% oppose it, according to an Aug. 25 Quinnipiac University poll. Only 22% favor a government shutdown over Planned Parenthood funding; 69% oppose the idea. When pollsters asked who voters would blame more for such a shutdown, 41% said Republicans in Congress and 33% President Obama and Democrats.

What he fails to mention is that the GOP is presently more unpopular than either during or after the government shutdown. Likewise, with President Obama’s popularity decreased after the government shutdown, his popularity has been trending up since the GOP took over the Senate.

During the 90’s, Republicans shut down the government and got a balanced budget out of the deal. Ever since they’ve been listening to Karl Rove, they’ve gone down to 12% popularity and gotten exactly hemorrhoids in their dealings with the Democrats.

How’s that permanent Republican majority working out for Rove anyway?


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