Thom Tillis: Fabulist

Thom Tillis is the Speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives. He is also a Republican Senate candidate. He is not a graduate of the University of Maryland College Park. That’s what Thom Tillis has claimed. But now he is having to admit it is not true.


That’s not all. Tillis has a new ad out. It shows Tillis in his front yard, picking up a newspaper, talking about his everyman street cred with light music in the background. The ad is titled “Paper Route” and highlights Tillis, the everyman done good, and his first job as a paper boy.

Tillis has actually done far better than he wants you to think in the ad. His real house is not the one in the advertisement. His real house in on a golf course and valued close to a million dollars. He also has a town home in Davidson, NC, right on the water.

Good for Thom Tillis being successful. We should applaud that. I want a lake house or a beach house. But first Tillis got caught fibbing about the school from which he graduated. Now he’s playing every man using someone else’s home. It’s worth noting that one of the attacks on Matt Bevin in Kentucky is that he listed MIT as a school he went to. He actually did go to MIT for a certificate program in entrepreneurship. But if the attack is solid on Bevin, it should be more so on Tillis who claims he graduated from the University of Maryland College Park.


Tillis actually was working and 37 when he got his degree. He got it via the distance learning program at University of Maryland University College. According to the News Observer

His alma matter also is listed incorrectly in the N.C. Center for Public Policy Research legislative guidebooks, a well-respected source published every two years, dating back to his first term in 2007.

Ran Coble, who helps assemble the book, said the information is gathered from the lawmakers’ websites and local media reports. A draft profile is sent to each lawmaker for review ahead of publication. “We ask them to make any corrections and that’s the fail-safe in the end,” he said.

Tillis’ biography on the Republican State Leadership Committee website still included the wrong information late Thursday.


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