Another Undocumented Democrat Comes out of the Shadows

In an effort to create a bold alternative to the Democrats, grassroots conservatives have risen up over the years to throw out some confused Republicans in primary elections.  Many of these Republicans either vote with Democrats, work behind the scenes with the more aggressive party, or bring a feather to a gun fight – all but ensuring that the other side wins.  Yet, whenever we seek out replacements for these Republicans, the establishment accuses us of helping elect Democrats.


However, something peculiar tends to occur once we challenge their ruling class politicians.  They officially become Democrats.  We saw it with Arlen Specter, Charlie Crist, and Wayne Gilchrest.  They first scoff at the claim they are not conservative enough for the party; then they illustrate the point by switching parties.  Former Indiana Senator Dick Lugar is the latest to join the bandwagon:

Georgia Democrat Michelle Nunn is getting some cross-party love from former Sen. Richard Lugar (R-Ind.).

Lugar’s political action committee, the 19th Star PAC, donated $5,000 to Nunn’s Senate campaign in early December, according to the group’s latest Federal Election Commission report.

Lugar and Nunn’s father, former Sen. Sam Nunn (D-Ga.), worked together closely on nuclear non-proliferation issues while both were in the Senate.

This isn’t the first time one of Nunn’s former GOP colleagues has donated to his daughter — former Sen. John Warner (R-Va.) also gave $500 to her campaign and attended a fundraiser for her, the Washington Post reported last month.


Remember, establishment Republicans poured in a lot of money on behalf of Lugar.  The Chamber of Commerce spent roughly $266,000 and American Action Network spent over $500,000 defending Lugar from conservatives.

If the establishment is so concerned about defeating Democrats, they should start by not backing undocumented Democrats in primaries.  If they are really concerned about finding electable candidates in the general election, they should work with us to find good candidates who share our values.  Then again, they do not share our values.  Therein lies the problem.


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