Obama Admin Failed Background Checks Halt Citizenship Approvals


The federal government suspended naturalization ceremonies and banned immigration officers from approving any new citizenship applications after realizing ineligible people may have slipped through its broken background check system.


The Washington Times reports that the latest confirmation of Obama’s incompetence was revealed by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, who was stunned by both the problem — and also by the fact that the administration didn’t bother to inform him of it.

Goodlatte only learned about the vetting problem from an internal email issued by the associate director at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.  The email ordered all immigration  officers “not to approve or oath any naturalization cases in ELIS,” referring to the Electronic Immigration System — the case management system for processing applications:

“At this point we are not confident that proper FBI Name Checks have been run on certain ELIS cases. At this point we are uncertain of the scope of the problem,” Daniel M. Renaud, the associate director, said in the email.

FBI name checks are critical, providing immigration officers criminal histories or other national security red flags that would make someone ineligible for citizenship.

Mr. Goodlatte said the agency should take steps to strip citizenship from anyone who shouldn’t have been approved.

The vetting system is fine, right.


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