On Repeating History and Being Doomed

Image Credit: Los Abandonados Trailer_English - YouTube
Image Credit: Los Abandonados Trailer_English - You Tube
Image Credit: Los Abandonados Trailer_English – YouTube

Prior to September 11, 2001, the worst terrorist attack on the Western Hemisphere did not happen in North America – but in Argentina. In 1994 Hezbollah-linked terrorists, funded by the Iranian government, bombed the Argentine-Israeli Mutual Association (AMIA). The terrorist attack killed 85 people and injured hundreds.


Those victims are still looking for justice.

Over the following 22 years, numerous news accounts have found Argentina complicit in a cover-up, the result of a deal with Iran. In 2003, a federal Argentinian judge suggested that the former Argentine president, Carlos Menem, worked with Tehran to obfuscate the investigation – in a back-room deal that included a $10 million payment. Evidence of a secret Iran-Argentina deal resurfaced earlier this year, when the Special Prosecutor, Alberto Nisman, issued a report that stated current President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and Foreign Minister Héctor Timerman were still helping Iran hide the perpetrators’ identities.

Hours before Nisman was set to present evidence to Argentina’s Parliament, he was found dead in his home.

A new film, Los Abandonados (“The Abandoned”), tells the story of Nisman’s murder – and of the AMIA victims’ long search for justice. From Breitbart:

“Part historical account and part spy novel, Los Abandonados tells the story of the death of Alberto Nisman, an Argentine prosecutor who was found dead of a gunshot to the head the day before he was to testify to Congress. He was to accuse President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner of making a secret deal with the Iranian government to protect Hezbollah-linked terrorists. The terrorists in question are the orchestrators of the 1994 bombing of the Argentine-Israeli Mutual Association (AMIA), the worst terror attack in Argentina’s history and the worst attack on the Western Hemisphere prior to the September 11, 2001 attacks.”


But to an American audience, unaware of much of the history, the film is easily examined in the context of the Obama’s disastrous nuclear deal with Iran. As Steven Bucci noted in The Daily Signal, the Obama Administration left Iran’s support of terrorism off the table in the nuclear negotiations:

“The second article of faith is that the Iranian government will compartmentalize their support for terrorism, keeping it separate from their nuclear programs. Secretary of State John Kerry and Obama have insisted that there’s no need for the agreement to address terrorism or hostages—just nukes! Apparently we are to believe that the $150-billion-plus windfall Tehran gets from the pact will go to pave roads and build schools.”

Secretary Kerry and President Obama would do well to watch Los Abandonados and take in its lessons: Iranian-backed terrorists have been operating in the Americas for decades. Deals with Iran cannot be trusted.

You can watch the trailer to Los Abandonados below:


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