Transgender Tik Toker Who Went Topless at White House Finally Apologizes, Kind Of

Transgender Tik Tok influencer Rose Montoya published a video on Friday apologizing for removing articles of clothing at the White House’s Pride celebration. As previously reported, Montoya published a social media video that went viral showing the provocative and inappropriate display, initially doubling down on the acts, before the White House condemned the behaviors. After being barred as a guest to future White House gatherings, Montoya has had a change of tune. Now, apologies are offered.


Read More:

White House Responds to Viral Video of Topless Transgender Attendee, Who Isn’t Sorry

SHOCKING VIDEO: Transgender Influencer Goes Topless at White House Pride Event

Montoya doesn’t give a great apology, falling short of equating the actions of disrobing to disrespect of the national monument, but instead minimizes the act of topless posing on the White House Lawn as a moment of “trans joy.” 

Montoya said:

Today I need to apologize. Earlier this month I was invited by the White House to attend a Pride celebration with both President Biden and Dr. Biden.

In a quick moment of fleeting and overwhelming trans joy I decided to do something unbecoming of a guest of the president at the White House lawn celebration. More so than ever before I have learned how powerful and just how impactful my actions are and how impactful it is when we share our stories and experiences- and how we do so- with the world. I want to take this moment to apologize for the impact of my actions. I especially want to apologize to my black trans brothers and siblings especially transgender women who are black, because I understand that you all are at a constantly at a disproportionate level impacted by the actions of others and especially by anti-trans violence.

I would also like to apologize to my family and friends who have been harassed.

I would also like to apologize to my own community, the 2SLGBTQIA+.

And last but not least, I would like to apologize to the President, the White House, and the nation.

It was also never my intention to create a situation that would lead to harassment and harm of myself and others, nor for ‘trans joy,’ like my little moment of trans joy to be weaponized by vile people of the opposition.


Watch the full video below:

Montoya paints “vile” villains of those who were offended by the salacious behavior at the White House, and also criticizes the media who reported on the incident, now asking for privacy and not being contacted for further comment after posting the original viral topless video, a non-apology video, and now a video that apologizes, somewhat.

But, some of the biggest critics weren’t the zealots Montoya purports them to be, but others in the “2SLGBTQIA+” ranks. Another transgender social media influencer, Zaya Perysian slammed Montoya’s antics.

In a video following Montoya’s “body positivity” non-apology, Perysian said:

All for body positivity? But b**** this was a family-friendly Pride event at the White House… with children! Oh! No. No. No. And honestly Rose, I’m just super upset because you have been a great activist for the community but, this? This was dumb. So, then you get a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to represent trans people, on a national level, at the White House where there are children present… and you show your boobas.. in front of the kids… at the White House. Even with the whole political climate right now. This just set the trans community back so far. The conservatives are going crazy about this, and I can’t even blame them! Like what were you thinking?! There is a time and a place for that. There is a time and place to show off your body, and this was not the time and definitely not the place. And, girl, now they banned you from the White House.



Montoya apologized that “trans joy” had so many consequences while minimizing and brushing things over, but hardly touched on the international embarrassment, the venue of the Executive Office, and the national history, including a British occupation making it a living military monument. Rather than conveying an understanding of the global and historical implications of the inappropriate actions, Montoya complained about the weight of the consequences… to nobody’s surprise.


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