Today in Washington - July 30, 2010

No roll call votes in Senate today.  Cloture on TARP, Jr, H.R. 5297, was not invoked yesterday on a 58-42 vote.  The Senate will have a cloture vote next week on the motion to concur with an amendment to H.R. 1586, the FAA Reauthorization bill.  Reid is using the FAA bill as a shell to move this amendment to add $10 billion for education funds and a Medicaid funding provision.  The nomination of anti-Second Amendment nominee Elena Kagan to be on the U.S. Supreme Court will also be debated next week in the Senate, before they break for the August recess.


The House is working on 3 Suspension bills, H.R. 3534 (the Consolidated Land, Energy and Aquatic Resources Act), H.R. 5851(Offshore Oil and Gas Worker Whistleblower Protection Act), and possibly H.R. 1264 (Multiple Peril Insurance Act).  This is the last day of work for the House before the August recess.


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