The Vine


Welcome to The Vine, where every week I strive to bring you updates from around the pro-life community to help you keep up with the ever constant battle to save lives. If you aren’t plugged-in, it is my sincere hope that The Vine will allow you to get familiar with those on the front lines and find your place among them. 


Since the beginning of his papacy, Pope Francis has earned the admiration of Catholics and Protestants for his strong stance on the issue of life. Following a meeting late last month with President Obama, in which he didn’t shy away from speaking on the subject to the extremely pro-abortion president, Pope Francis has once again affirmed his dedication to the pre-born.  As the National Right To Life reports, Pope Francis stated on Sunday that, “If you look at life as something that is consumed, it will also be something that sooner or later you can throw away.”  Read the report on his speech here.

As if to prove the important point made by Pope Francis, police in Utah have arrested Megan Huntsman for allegedly murdering her unborn children over a period of ten years. The bodies of seven babies, including at least one full-term infant, were found at Huntsman’s home, according to Life News.

This wouldn’t be the first time abortion has moved up to serial murder.  The Gosnell Movie campaign will tell the story of America’s biggest serial killer and to date, over 8,000 people have donated to the film. While there are 29 days left to contribute, the monetary need is great and all pro-lifers should help this important film.

Of course, getting Gosnell’s actions to be regarded as serial murder is itself a heavy task in a country in which pop-culture preaches “choice” as the enlightened position to the youth of America.  Being an abortion abolitionist is hard enough for young people and at at least one American university the school is actively promoting abortion. Currently, the University of Michigan has an exhibit on display titled, ““4000 Years for Choice,” paid for no less by the school. Live Action News has the infuriating report by U of M student, Angela Kim, who is leading an event on April 16th to fight back against the school’s indoctrination.


While the youth fight their battles in schools across the country, the fight for the right to live continues nationally as well.  Susan B. Anthony List has launched a new billboard campaign to shed light on three Senators who voted for the taxpayer funded abortion within the Affordable Care Act.  However the fight is on, as Sister Toldjah previously wrote at Life News, pro-abortion group Emily’s List has set up shop to help at least one of the Senators, Kay Hagan, in North Carolina.

Billboards aren’t the only bad news for those on the wrong side of life: Forty Days For Life has come to a close and they’ve counted 547 babies saved so far a result of the national effort! Read a selection of the inspirational stories that have come from this year’s effort here.


This week’s Branch for Life: Whether your part in the pro-life community is sidewalk counseling, working at a Pregnancy Resource Center or collecting baby care items for a new mother, Cities4Life is there to help you facilitate your role. Cities4Life seeks to promote a culture of life through proclaiming the truth of life, praying for the end of abortion, protecting the pre-born and providing for mothers and babies in need.  Their method of uniting the many areas of the pro-life movement to promote a strong network is in line with the goal of The Vine. I encourage you to check them out and take action in your city.


I’ll leave you with a funny video that exposes the preposterous terms abortion supporters try to use to avoid the truth about abortion. Enjoy the “Uterine Contents Shower,” courtesy Signal Hill.


Until next week, I pray blessings for you and for all committed to life in The Vine. Please feel free to email or tweet me with any stories you’d like to see covered or any organizations you’d like to see as the Branch For Life!


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