
If It Seems Off That Kamala Harris Surged So Much in the Polls, It's Because It Is

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

The Trump campaign is doing very, very well, you just wouldn't know it because the opponents he's facing aren't just all in the Democrat Party, they're in the corporate media, the innumerable activist groups, and the pollsters. 

Pollsters are one more component in attempting to push the Democrat candidate, whoever they may be, into the winner's circle by manipulating the emotions and morale of American voters, and they are turning that talent up to 11 for this election season. They have to, because if they don't succeed Donald Trump wins. They also have to do it because the candidate the Democrats delivered is Kamala Harris, a candidate they have to pretend is stellar in every way. 

It wasn't that long ago that Harris was forced to drop out of the 2020 Democrat primary because of her severe unpopularity. Now she's suddenly a wildly beloved candidate that most of America can't wait to usher into the Oval Office, especially after she was partly responsible for the failing economy we live in, the open border, the rising in crime, and two wars that wouldn't be happening if a stronger leader was in office? 

Harris is ahead of Trump by 1.5 points according to RealClearPolitics, sitting at 48.2 percent, while Trump trails at 46.7 percent. 

That seems more than a little strange. 

If you're suspecting foul play, then you're not far off the mark. As reported by, pollsters are calling out the obvious slant: 

“So what they're doing is they're polling fewer Republicans. They're polling a disproportionate number of Biden 2020 voters in these states that were dead even,” pollster John McLaughlin said this week on the “Just the News, No Noise” television show.

“They're saying the Biden 2020 voters should be four or five points higher. It's ridiculous. So what they're doing is they're trying to pump Harris up. They're trying to suppress our vote. And this is, you know, there's smart people doing this, so I think it's intentional.”

It should raise alarm bells when sites that release these polls that have Harris looking like she has a vast lead over Trump fail to provide details about their samples as well: 

“When you saw the Washington Post Ipsos poll, there's no transparency,” McLaughlin said. “They say it's weighted according to the census. It's picked from their in-house panel, and it's all done online, and there's an obvious bias.”

The survey did not disclose a breakdown of respondents by party affiliation.

As Mike Miller covered on Tuesday, Rasmussen Reports got a wildly different answer when they did their own polling, showing Trump leading Harris by a whopping nine percent. IA polls also ran their own survey and saw that Trump was leading by four points. What's the deal? Miller cites Rasmussen: 

A majority of voters believe most news reporters are biased and expect the media to keep helping Kamala Harris against Donald Trump in their coverage of the presidential campaign.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 60% of Likely U.S. Voters believe most reporters try to help the candidate they want to win when covering a political campaign, up from the 51% who felt that way during the 2020 presidential campaign

Twenty-eight percent percent (28%) disagree and say most try to offer unbiased coverage instead. Another 12% are not sure.

As JD Vance said when asked about these weird polls, the purpose behind them is to trip up Republicans by demoralizing them and making them tap out before the fight even starts:

Consistently, what you’ve seen in 2016 and 2020 is that the media uses fake polls to drive down Republican turnout and to create dissension and conflict with Republican voters. I’m telling you, every single person who’s watching this, the Trump campaign is in a very, very good spot. We’re going to win this race. We just have to run through the finish line.

Believe that. The polls are one more piece of media manipulation meant to demoralize you, make you try to fix problems that aren't there, and cause you to turn against your fellow Republicans who might disagree with you. This is one more dirty, underhanded trick the DNC media machine is trying to pull on you.

That said, you should absolutely pretend like Harris is nipping at Trump's heels and make sure that when it comes time to pull the lever, you're more motivated than ever to get out and see to it that Trump wins. While you might know that the media is lying to you, many other people will see these polls and be swayed by them. Don't get drawn in. 


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