
UK Officials Aren't Exactly Giving Brits a Peaceful Path Forward for Their Country

AP Photo/Kin Cheung

Are we looking at the beginning of the end of Great Britain, or are we seeing the growing flames of a revolution? 

It's hard to say at this point, but what we can see is that both the British and the illegal migrants who have stormed the country to the applause of UK politicians are becoming increasingly and openly violent. 

On Monday, a shocking video was posted to X showing Muslim men moving into a Birmingham pub flying the Palestinian flag, targeting innocent people within merely for the color of their skin. 

They were also attacking motorists. 

LBC Reporter Fraser Knight posted to X that he went to cover the ongoing riot, but he and his crew were chased out by "Asian" men who were bracing themselves for "far-right" demonstrators: 

What is happening on the streets of Britain is causing real tensions among communities. As a reporter, I’ve just been chased out of an area of east Birmingham by groups of Asian men who had come out to ‘protect their community’ against a planned far-right demonstration. The security guard with me decided immediately it wasn’t safe for us - it was clear we weren’t welcome - but there wasn’t a safe place for us to go for miles. Cars followed us, we had abuse shouted at us and at one point a group of around 6 men ran after us down a road with what looked like a weapon. We were forced to run. The far right didn’t appear to show up but the community here was on edge waiting and ready for them. They were on all corners of a roundabout and lined the roads that surrounded it. We were warned that we’d regret it if we hung around. We’re safe now.

How were they able to do this? Why weren't police interfering? 

Because they chased police out of the area, effectively allowing these gangs and rioters to run wild. 

Meanwhile, police are focusing in on arresting British citizens for... posts on Facebook. They aren't even told what they said on Facebook as they're being arrested, but regardless, it offended someone in government, and as such, they have the solemn duty of bringing that dastardly offender in. 

This isn't an uncommon story. British citizens are constantly being led away in cuffs for simply speaking out against things like the immigrant takeover of their country. As they're punished, migrants continue to rape, steal, assault, and murder. This issue came to a head recently when three young girls were stabbed to death by the son of migrants at a Taylor Swift-themed dance party. Their deaths resulted in British citizens rising up to start their own riots. 

As I reported early Monday, citizens clashed with police, leaving one injured. The people applauded as he was led away. 

(READ: The UK People's Fury Over Unfettered Immigration Is Boiling Over Into Violence)

It has to be asked.

What path forward do the British people have but violence? If their government has turned against them and attacks them alongside the immigrants, what is left but violent recourse? I don't see any of this stopping anytime soon without a massive sweeping of bad players of the government. 

To be clear, I'm not wanting to see violence and bloodshed, but one has to wonder where the line gets drawn and when British citizens are in the right for becoming violent themselves. Judging by what I've seen, I can't entirely blame these people for rising up and getting nasty. 

This is abuse, and it's abuse that's resulted in the death of many, many innocent people. Has the UK government made pushing back a matter of survival for some people? 

British Prime Minister Calls for 'Standing Army' of Riot Police
to Keep the Lower Classes in Their Place

It certainly seems so. 

If it truly comes to bloodshed, then it should be a massive condemnation of the failed globalist agenda that has allowed something like this to happen. It created an atmosphere of wokeness, where someone could be punished by the government for simply speaking out against it. This is what unchecked leftism has created. A dangerous atmosphere where you can witness death and destruction from invaders and be arrested by your own government for pointing it out. 

They are backing British people into a corner, and I wouldn't be surprised if this gets far, far worse... but sadly, I'm not so sure if it shouldn't get worse. At some point, something has to break, and it's either going to be the people or the government, one way or another. 

Wokeness...not even once. 


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