
The Paris Opening Ceremony Was a Perfect Example of How the Left Has Gotten So Boring

AP Photo/Thibault Camus

The opening ceremony for the Paris Olympics was shocking, avant-garde, and pushed other words, it was modern garbage that was ugly, divisive, and ultimately tiring. I would even say boring despite all its shock value.

As my colleague Bob Hoge covered, the opening ceremony included a bunch of drag queens who danced and ultimately formed "The Last Supper," Leonardo DiVinici's depiction of the moment Christ announced he was being betrayed. 

How fitting. 

As Hoge reported, the Olympics organizers gave a non-apology for the way the ceremony came off, indicating that if you were insulted they're sorry, but the moment wasn't supposed to be an insult to Christians despite it clearly being an insult to Christians. 

(READ: Paris Olympics Organizers Apologize for Opening Ceremony Fiasco, and It's As Lame As You'd Expect)

But this left a lot of people asking why the organizers would do such a thing. Why make something so disgusting and obviously controversial during an event that's supposed to bring people together? That's easy. 

It's because they're prideful cowards. 

Firstly, they believe that what they're doing is, in fact, very artful. In their leftist minds, they think art should be subversive and speak truth to power. The insult was intentional because they think it's making a statement about how things should be, not how they are. Christians are intolerant bigots in their minds, so their leftist thinking is that real art would involve replacing the apostles with drag queens with Jesus being played by a fat, queer, woman making a heart symbol with her hands. In their minds, this strikes at the heart of intolerance and bigotry and swaps it out with love and acceptance. 

Only it doesn't. If they wanted to strike at the heart of intolerance and bigotry, their "art" would be directed at themselves, as leftists are the most intolerant people on the planet. Don't be fooled by all the "love and acceptance" they say they're pushing, the insult was the point. It's the same point they've been making for years now. Remember "Piss Christ?" It's the same mentality.

Peel back all the public chatter, and you'll see that nothing creative actually happened. It's the same anti-Christian "art" the left's been doing for ages now. They aren't making any new statements. They aren't saying anything that hasn't been said before. They're just holding up a middle finger to Christ and Christians and then patting themselves on the back for being brave. 

Which brings me to my other point. 

There's no bravery in what they're doing. They pick Christians as a target because they know Christians won't grab rifles and machetes and start making heads roll. You want to know why they don't insult Islam and mock Mohammad? Because if they do, they know that death and maiming could follow. Christians turn the other cheek and let God sort these people out, as vengeance is His. 

Here's the thing about Christians, however. As I've written previously, it is true that we tend to let blows glance off us without physical reaction. We don't see words as violence as many weaker ideologies do. However, when we need to, Christians can become incredibly dangerous. We use dangerous people to keep the peace, in fact. You'll see a lot of them with badges on their chest or military uniforms on their person. As I wrote, if Christians truly were the violent, intolerant people the left says we are, then there wouldn't be a loud and proud LGBT community: 

The brutal truth is that if the LGBT community was right and Christians were the mass-murdering, LGBT genocide-loving people they claimed, then there would be no LGBT community. The practice would be wiped out globally in a month at most. The Western world would never celebrate another "Pride Month," and corporations wouldn't ever change their social media profile pictures to rainbow-colored versions. Anyone who was gay would never indicate they were and would live their life quietly, not loudly and proudly. The corporate media and Hollywood would be destroyed, gay clubs would be shuttered, and school libraries would be purged of anything that remotely discusses homosexuality. Porn sites would immediately be deleted from the internet in their entirety. 

But none of that is happening. Why? Because Christians aren't the dictatorial theological terrorists the left says they are. For the most part, Christians live their lives and leave others alone, being in the world but not of it, and let everyone else use the free will that God gave us to live their lives how they see fit. We preach to those who need to hear it and try to show people the way, but leading a horse to water doesn't make it take a drink. Embracing Christ is up to the individual.

(READ: Christians Aren't Soft Targets)

Does that mean Christians don't go on the offensive? Not entirely. In fact, Christians have a tactic that allows them to passively go on the offensive, and it's so effective that it forces entire corporations to bend their will. 

Christians, including all the subsets of the faith from Catholic to multiple denominations of Protestantism, make up a fat portion of the Western world's population. Whenever a corporation or group insults them, or does something that truly disgusts them, Christians close up their purse strings and walk away. This severely affects the bottom line of many corporations, organizations, and groups, and you can see how fast a group will back down in the face of Christian disapproval quite often recently. 

(READ: No Longer Business Critical: Microsoft Lays Off a DEI Team Sending DEI Staff Spiraling and You Did It)

What isn't often talked about is that the Western world's values, laws, and customs are often defined by Judeo-Christian tradition and that even those who aren't practicing Christians, or not even Christian at all, define their moral values by Christian guidelines. In that way, whenever leftism gets too leftist, you'll often see Christians and non-Christians move parallel to each other in our economy and in our communities. 

You can especially see this when it comes to parents dealing with out-of-control school boards that got too leftist. 

So the idea that Christians are soft targets is actually an illusion, or more accurately, a leftist delusion

And delusion is a huge part of the leftist problem. They delude themselves into thinking they're creative powerhouses who are doing good in this world by lobbing lazy insults at Christians. Really it's just the same boring nonsense they've been serving up for decades and with that, ultimately, they're just shooting their own feet. 


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