
The Republican Party Is Hyped About 2024 but I've Got Sour News About the Future

AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell

Look at the front page of RedState right now, and you'll notice that, like many other news sites, it's covering the continued fallout from one of the most disastrous debates for Democrats in history. Joe Biden, a man the Democrats told the world was the best man to lead the free world, can't even lead himself off a stage. "Embarrassment" doesn't begin to cover it, but all the articles discussing the abandonment of the Democrats by voters, the troubling poll numbers, and the DNC infighting helps. 

Republicans are feeling pretty good right now. Everything 2024 is coming up "R." Unless some cosmic event shifts the nature of reality itself, I'm not sure how the Democrat Party digs itself out of this hole. It might with the help of Republicans, but let's hope that Republicans keep themselves from snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory just this once. 

But Republicans shouldn't get used to this feeling. There's a lot to be excited to go around, sure, but let's make one thing very clear. People aren't excited about the Republican Party, they're excited about Donald Trump. To be even more accurate, they're excited about a President who looks like he knows what he's doing with the economy and can articulate a sentence without stumbling and mumbling. They're excited about possibly getting out of this economic, migrant-ridden hole America has dug itself into with the guidance of the Biden administration. 

As I wrote on Wednesday, while 2024 is predicted to be a lock for Republicans, congress is still a battleground. Biden's presence is posing a problem for Democrats running for office in the House and Senate to be sure, and they're having to be very careful in their wording about him, but these are still hot races. A Republican landslide across the board is far from guaranteed, and some polls are suggesting that Republicans are the underdogs. 

(READ: Biden Now Posing a Threat to Democrat Races In Both Chambers of Congress Say Dems)

This alone should be alarming the Republican Party. A lot of the momentum it has is currently being driven by one man. It needs to start asking itself what it's going to do when that one man is gone. 

After Trump's second term or his loss in November, the Republican Party is still the Republican Party. It will still have all the weaknesses and shortcomings it had before. It will be contending with a Democrat Party that isn't going to take its defeat lying down or, worse, will seek retribution for an attempt at taking away its power. 

If the Republican Party is going to survive, it can't rely on the popularity of one man, it has to learn to evolve. It has to become a different beast, one that's far more aggressive and proactive than the passive creature it is now. It cannot continue down this lane of being the nice guy in the room, reacting to everything happening to it instead of driving events itself. 

The Democrats have stumbled and stumbled hard, but rest assured they will recover. If I know the Democrats, they're already planning moves for 2026. They're coming up with agenda items, inventing new terminology for it, and investing in new ways to achieve and hold power. The Republicans need to ask themselves what they've got lined up that will keep the Democrats on the back foot, not for just the next election cycle, but three or four down the line. How can they utilize new technologies to help them? What groups can the reach out to and gain their loyalty? What laws can they pass that will further limit the Democrat's ability to enforce their will on the people? Do they have any plans to reduce the size of government by terminating entire departments? Maybe they should get on that. 

I wrote not long ago that Democrats haven't figured out that there's more to governing than not being Trump, but to the Republicans, I would say something similar. There's more to governing than being a Trump-led party. 

To the voters, I'd say that whether you hate Trump or not, there's quality in aggression and strength. Being real is far better than being nice. Republicans were supposed to be the polite party, but we're not in a polite time. We need to elect people who are thirsty for a fight, not politicians looking for that "better way" to bring everyone together. 

If you ask me, Republicans should spend the next four years remaking itself into a party on the offensive and get into the habit of attacking, not defending. 


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