
The Rise of Witchcraft in the West Can't Be Ignored

AP Photo/John Raoux

Irish Eurovision contender "Bambi Thug" was asked what makes her special during a panel interview. Her response was equal parts cringe and disturbing. 

"Do you know what makes me special?" she asked. "I'm a queer." 

Both her performing partner and the crowd began to cheer, but as they did, Thug screamed into the microphone, "I'M A WITCH!" 

Thug is just one drop in an increasingly fuller bucket of references to witchcraft, and not in the way of them being villains. Witchcraft as a heroic and noble thing seems to be on the rise. You can see instances of it everywhere. 

Taylor Swift has, on several occasions, used themes of witchcraft in her shows, including on her recent Era's Tour. During both the music video and her live performance of the song "Willow," Swift displays scenes of occult worship. Okay, big deal. It's a stage performance. 

But this theme keeps popping up again and again. 

Witchcraft has now become a theme in Star Wars, where women get together to perform a ridiculous ritual that you can't help but laugh at. According to Bounding Into Comics, lesbian space witches can create life from the force without a man: 

As detailed in the show’s third episode, decades before Plagueis even began his study of the Force, Aniseya used it to bring to life two embryos within her fellow witch Mother Koril (Margarita Levieva), the pair of which would soon after be birthed into the world as series protagonists Mae and Osha.

So there you have it. Lesbian space witch covens being given credit for a lore-impactful act originally done by a powerful male character beloved by fans of the franchise’s pre-Disney audience.

Okay, this is all just performative stuff in pop culture.

But not really. It's bleeding into your kid's school now. 

As the Daily Wire reported, Pennsylvania parents are coming down hard on a school district after it hosted a "genderqueer witch" who surveyed their kids about sexual topics without their permission or knowledge: 

“In the spring of 2023, just a month after a transgender person walked into a Christian school and murdered three children and three adults because they were Christians,” Williams added. “Dr. Sanville claimed that concerns about a transgender, self-described queer witch who was teaching high school freshman about sexual topics were quote ‘unfounded’ and he accused parents of spreading misinformation.”

Williams has attempted to set up a meeting with district officials, but says he has been so far stonewalled in his efforts for full transparency around the incident.

Other parents criticized the school board during the meeting, with one accusing the district of hiding information on the presentation from parents.

“The school made significant efforts to prevent parents from finding out the truth about this event and the event went so far as to conduct personal attacks against those who had the temerity to inquire about the survey,” a mother named Fabiana said.

This isn't the obvious fantasy of stories like Harry Potter, with its magic wands, house elves, and a battle between good and evil. This is something being taken very seriously, and it's pretty clear that most of these people don't have good intentions. It's becoming increasingly obvious that this brand of witchcraft is tied to leftist intersectionalism, as made clear by both Thug and the Pennsylvania "genderqueer witch." 

Looking into the numbers, NBC News reported in 2022 that witchcraft was indeed on the rise: 

In 1990, Trinity College in Connecticut estimated there were 8,000 adherents of Wicca. In 2008, the U.S. Census Bureau figure was 342,000. A 2014 Pew Research Center study increased that projection several times over in assessing that 0.4% of Americans identified as pagan, Wiccan or New Age. (Most modern pagan worship, of which Wicca is one type, draws on pre-Christian traditions in revering nature.) By 2050, it said, the number of Americans practicing “other religions” — faiths outside Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism — would triple “due largely to switching into other religions (such as Wicca and pagan religions).” 

The precise number of witches in America is difficult to determine because many practitioners are solitary and, either by choice or circumstance, do not openly identify as such. But the growth is evident, especially to those who’ve made it their life’s work to study the community.

A few things we can work out here is that this largely appeals to women. As transgenderism has become divisive amongst the female population, witchcraft would seem like a trendy new thing to get women into. I can anticipate that if there is some sort of intersectional plan to bring witchcraft into the leftist fold, it will be something the left demands be taken very, very seriously. 

I wouldn't be surprised if we see the media begin to report on it as if it's a real religion and politicians begin inviting witches to official events. 

Maybe this is all a coincidence, but if there's one thing the last decade taught me, it's that coincidences are less likely, and what you're seeing is a pattern. 

I have a feeling we should all get ready for the witch boom. 


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