'Political' Streamer Ups Bounty on Free Speech Activist Mark Kern Over 'Stellar Blade' Censorship

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

If you want a solid look into just how insane the left can get, you're currently spoiled for choice. There are riots at college campuses in support of things one Austrian-born dictator would think were just great, you've got celebrities wanting to call Kamala Harris "mommy," and then you have people trying to put bounties on the heads of free speech activists over attempting to lift censorship from a video game. 


As I reported on Monday, the massive hit game "Stellar Blade" from South Korean studio Shift Up, has become something of a front in the culture war as Western game journalists were upset that the game featured a beautiful woman with sex appeal as its main character. These hypocrites demanded censorship for some of her outfits despite allowing far worse in games they approved of, and Shift Up sadly caved to the pressure, but then gamers began pushing back. 

Led by former Blizzard employee turned free speech advocate Mark Kern, people began signing a petition to lift the censorship from "Stellar Blade" as well as cancel their PlayStation Network subscriptions in order to get Sony's attention. As I wrote, this wasn't about the outfits you could put the character in, as the left likes to claim, this is about prying the grip of social justice-obsessed weirdos off the gaming industry and allowing creators and gamers to make, play, see, and hear what they want. 

(READ: It's Not About Revealing Clothes: How 'Stellar Blade' Became a Front in the Culture War)

However, selective censorship is very important to the radical left. They're all about grotesque displays of sexualization everywhere you look, including in children's schools and movies, but only if it checks the right boxes. Anything that displays femininity and beauty is wrong according to them, because it might hurt the feelings of other women or men who identify as women. Moreover, it's made for the "male gaze" which is apparently one of the most evil things they can think of. 


It's not. 

As such, one person on the left decided to offer a bounty of $20,000 for someone to make Kern "disappear." 

You won't find the original tweet now as "Toneman" has completely deleted his account on X. 

It's bad enough that you have people offering any amount of money to off someone for simply standing up against censorship and it truly shows how demented the radical left truly is. Whether or not the man actually had the money or was even all that serious is irrelevant. Offering money for the death of someone is a crime. Moreover, if someone on the right said this, there would be an explosion of outrage and claims that the right is truly deranged and insane. 

But it doesn't stop there. Despite "Toneman" deleting his entire account after it was made clear that he not only went too far but broke the law, a "political" streamer named "DenimsTV" saw the bounty and decided to up it to $30,000. 

Given her other stipulation that she wants Eve, the main character of "Stellar Blade" to have bigger breasts, her offer of $30k to have Kern killed was likely a very bad joke, but Denims has offered no apology for what she said. If she has offered one, no one has seen it because she's since locked down her account, which is very typical for leftists who go too far and don't want to own up to it.


But this isn't surprising behavior either. People who tend to fight against the left in any regard will find the radical left saying extreme things or even going to extremes to get their way. Again, you can look at the front page of RedState right now and see many examples.

The likely reason is that, like the gamers, they understand that this is more than about outfits in a video game. This is a fight against control of the arts, and the left isn't going to take that pushback lightly.   


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