
I See This State-Assisted Euthanasia Issue Becoming a Very Familiar Trend

AP Photo/Yves Logghe

This is straight out of "The King In Yellow."

Like me, you've probably been seeing more and more news about various countries allowing for assisted suicide. The idea was originally pitched by its advocates as a way for people with terminal diseases to go out peacefully and without any pain. However, as predicted, this has begun to morph into something a bit more sinister. 

And right on cue, the justifications are already rolling in. 

As reported by the Daily Mail, a Canadian judge has given the go-ahead for a healthy, 27-year-old woman to be euthanized. The woman is autistic, and according to her father, there's nothing wrong with her, she's just "vulnerable" due to her mental condition. Despite this, the judge said that the woman has a right to end her life if she pleases and the father's feelings don't matter. 

The father is doing his best to fight back through legal channels according to the Mail, but the problem is already widespread: 

The case spotlights Canada's euthanasia system, known as medical assistance in dying (MAiD), which has grown rapidly since it was introduced in 2016, with more than 13,000 people being euthanized each year.

The father is arguing that she's not mentally competent enough to make this kind of decision and that any physical conditions she might have are a result of undiagnosed psychological conditions. 

What's disturbing is that several barriers needed to be gone through before assisted suicide was green-lit: 

Under Canada's euthanasia system, two doctors or nurse practitioners have to greenlight a patient for MAiD.

When [The Daughter] applied to Alberta Health Services for an assisted death, she was apprved by one doctor and rejected by another.

A third 'tie-breaker' doctor then approved the procedure.

[The Father] questioned the third doctor's sign-off, saying he 'was not independent or objective.'

This isn't just relegated to Canada, either. Euthanasia is becoming a trend in various other countries, and soon I have a feeling you're going to see a heavy push for it here in the United States. Moreover, this push to approve it will come from the Democrats and the corporate media. 

This might sound hyperbolic, but if I told people 30 years ago that our own government and the corporate media would be encouraging children to undergo harmful hormone-altering treatments, I would have gotten a lot of weird looks. Yet, here we are. 

It was largely understood for eons that suicide was never the answer. It was a selfish way out of a problem or situation that would leave everyone around you devastated. Entire movements were built around saving the lives of the depressed and suicidal. Hotline numbers were posted on billboards that people could call when the draw to end it all became too much. 

I see this kind of help becoming harder to get as it becomes "taboo" to argue against state-assisted suicide. Christian groups will be one of the few entities that continue to push for people to get help instead of choosing to be euthanized, allowing leftist groups to make the argument that Christians are trying to stand in the way of people's personal choices, once again. 

As the trend grows, I imagine the barriers to suicide will decrease as well, or at the very least, require a lot less questioning from medical "professionals." 

You might be asking why. 

If I'm being honest, I'm still trying to figure out what the government and media are getting out of the transgender movement. It might have given them a bit of power for a handful of years, but it's clear the movement's influence is dying off and is even starting to work against Democrats. People are turning away from it and detransitioners are becoming more common. 

(READ: The Christian Thing to Do About 'Transgender' People)

Yet, despite there clearly being a slow turn by society away from the transgender trend, the left and its machines still push it like it's the best thing ever. 

For a long time, I thought that this was done because it gives Democrats a talking point and a voting bloc, however as that movement erodes and the voting bloc remains a very tiny one, my theories are changing. A friend brought up to me that this might have more to do with attempting to do some creative population control and take the ability of people, especially the youth, to reproduce might be a contributing factor. 

The Church of Climate Change has been saying for some time that we need to reduce the population and with the left worshiping at that altar all the time, I don't see that being such a crazy idea. Assisted suicide would fit with the goal of reducing the population. 

That's just a theory, though. 

Ultimately, we need to erect barriers in the U.S. to prevent state-assisted suicide. There are going to be a lot of troubled people who believe that death is the best way out and there will be people there who will try to push them toward it for one disgusting reason or another. 

But suicide is not the way out. It only spreads sadness and depression. The trauma it leaves behind for loved ones is life-altering and horrible. Suicide isn't mercy, it's cruelty. 

We need to stop this before it can begin and too many people are seduced by the idea. 


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