
The Left Only Cares About Nex Benedict Because They Think They Can Turn Her Into a Martyr

AP Photo/Armando Franca

When I first learned about the story of Nex Benedict Wednesday, I had the feeling things were going to get much bigger than they actually were. 

As I wrote Wednesday, transgender activist and influencer Jeffrey Marsh released a video talking about how evil Oklahoma is for appointing "Libs of TikTok" account holder Chaya Raichik to its statewide library council. He then proceeded to tell the story of Benedict whom he claimed committed suicide after being bullied. 

None of these things had been confirmed and, as of this writing, still haven't. Accuracy wasn't the point, however. As I wrote in the article, Marsh needed a martyr for his cause and Benedict fit perfectly. 

(READ: Trans Influencer's Latest Video About 'Libs of TikTok' Shows You the Cultish Way of Trans Activists)

On Thursday, Nick Arama posted an article detailing how Nancy Pelosi decided to weigh in on the Benedict story with her own blatant lie: 

Nex Benedict’s death from a brutal assault in their high school bathroom is outrageous and heartbreaking.

The anti-trans fervor fueled by extreme Republicans across the country is having deadly consequences for our children.

We must stand up against anti-trans hate

The medical examiner in the case actually cleared Benedict of any major trauma from the fight she was in previously. Benedict was jumped by three girls in a restroom and fought back according to her own text. The school didn't see the need to call an ambulance but did advise the parents to get her further checked out by medical professionals. 

So we have one leftist claiming it was suicide and one leftist claiming it was from being beaten to death, but there is no confirmation yet about anything related to the death. 

No matter how you slice it, Benedict's death is being used. The question is why the left is so gung-ho in doing so and in this particular case. 

A few things stand out. 

Firstly, there sure has been a lot of violence happening from the trans community as of late. Stories of shootings that feature transgender criminals are becoming too common and it disrupts the "trans people are victims" narrative. With this story, they can take the attention off of the stories that hurt the cause and make a big deal out of Benedict to support their narrative. 

Secondly, the 2024 election is right around the corner, and none of the causes the Democrats have been trying to turn into national protest movements have quite worked. Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter was a disaster for narrative generation and attempts at creating movements through exaggerations and lies have been destroyed by the invention of "Community Notes," which not only reveal the inaccuracies of the lies told but embarrass those who tell them. 

It's hard to be taken seriously with there's egg on your face. 

The point is to find someone for the left to rally around. They need a name they can chant in the streets and make murals of so that the left can be seen as the heroes fighting against injustice and hate. They need a name for the media to repeat ad nauseam and for celebrities to speak out about. They need students to protest at colleges and, more importantly, for donations to come pouring into various causes and coffers. 

They need a martyr they can use to paint America and those who support her as evil. 

Because if they succeed in turning Benedict into a martyr then it will consolidate its voting base, attract young voters, and generate a spite vote, and 2024 looks all the better. 

But beneath all of this is the fact that they're using the death of a child to manipulate the public and all for political benefit. 

These are not good people. 


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