
Biden's New Ad Calling Conservatives 'Extremists' Is a Hilarious Self-Report

Doug Mills/The New York Times via AP, Pool

Earlier, I reported on the new Biden campaign ad for 2024. You won't be able to get through the ad without cringing, laughing, or, at the very least, staring at it with a confused expression. 

It features typical Democrat nonsense, including "right side of history" talk, some self-back patting about supporting voting rights for everyone, and, best of all, the proclamation that Trump supporters are extremists. As I write in the article, this is a dumb move reminiscent of Hillary Clinton's "deplorables" comment, as it's pretty clear that the intent isn't to just label Trump supporters as extremists; it's to paint everyone who isn't in Joe's camp as such. 

(READ: Biden's New Ridiculous Campaign Ad Is Just Hillary Clinton's 'Deplorables' 2.0)

It's pretty clear that the attempt is to make it seem like not supporting Biden puts you into that extremist camp, and while that's probably going to work on some, given the state of the economy and the out-of-control inflation, you're likely going to have a lot of people in America look at the ad, shrug, and say "I guess I'm an extremist now." 

Attempting to prey on people's fear of being a pariah is one of the oldest strategies in the Democrat Party's playbook, but the issue is that they're trying to make people afraid of being considered an extremist for simply not signing on to the Democrat Party's agenda. To hear the Democrats tell it, everyone who isn't them is a dangerous extremist. 

If I were a Democrat strategist, that's probably not the language I'd go with. 

I wouldn't do this for several reasons. For one, behind the scenes, it's pretty obvious to the Democrats that they're in a bad way in terms of popularity. Under the Biden administration, the economy's taken a dump, illegal immigration is out of control, foreign leaders are laughing at us, and the anti-American sentiment coming off the left reeks to high heaven. Using the term "extremist" to describe anyone who finds displeasure in any of this is only going to generate a spite response, and as I've made very clear in previous writing, spite is one of the most powerful human motivators. 

(READ: Trump's Popularity in the Polls Might Not Be About His Popularity)

But the main reason Democrats goofed with this ad is because it effectively says that normality is now wrong and the embrace of radical agendas is the only way to be on the side of good. 

I can't think of a worse way to self-report. 

Democrats have gotten to the point where they think the wanting of a standard American life, with its participation in the free market, familial values, steady work, and money to grow, is now somehow "extremist." It's not. In fact, this is far from anything close to extreme. 

But if the Democrats believe this is extreme, it says more about how far left they've gone. It really is just telling Americans that the Democrats are the extremists, and to be honest, they're not doing much to convince anyone otherwise. They have members within the party who openly demand socialism, they pardon race riots, they seek to empower the IRS, they've weaponized justice departments against citizens, and you can't step foot anywhere without hearing something about the need for diversity and inclusion from people who speak about how evil another group is in the same breath. 

The Biden campaign ad may as well have just said they were the wackos in the room. 

Which is fitting because they are.


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