
We Have to Stop Using the Left's Descriptive Language

AP Photo/Peter Morgan

As a personal rule, I try to be as accurate with the language I use as I possibly can. Not just because I'm a commentator on a news website, but because I'm in the midst of a socio-political and cultural battle where words are weapons that are only effective to one side's cause when used. 

Words are how we define the world around us. They can change our minds and take us from one opinion to the polar opposite of that opinion after a mere paragraph. Words are the tools you need to win debates, capture hearts, and change minds. 

But you make it much harder on yourself when you're using words cooked up by the opposite side to describe a group, person, event, or concept. 

For instance, I've made it clear how much I hate the fact that the left is described as "liberal," and I hate it even more than the right reinforces the delusion by using the same descriptor when discussing them. To be "liberal" means having a leaning toward liberty and freedom, and the modern left has absolutely no spiritual claim to that concept and, thus, no right to use that word to describe themselves. 

Yet, I can't stop even some of my more famous talking head friends from talking about the "liberals" who are ruining this country. 

Liberals aren't ruining this country...leftists are. I'm the liberal, and I'm willing to bet many of you reading this are as well.

(READ: Stop Calling Leftists "Liberals")

But there are other words that the left uses that they have absolutely no right to use, or worse, have no basis in reality. "Progressive" is a word that causes my eyes to involuntarily roll when I hear it. When I hear the word "progressive," the question that immediately pops up in my mind is "progressing toward what?" 

"Progress" is a positive word. It means moving forward, usually toward something good. The phrase "we're making progress" is used when describing the headway being made. It elicits the idea of pushing forward and overcoming difficulty. When Democrats use the term "progressive" to describe themselves, they're preying on that knee-jerk reaction from your brain. 

What they're progressing toward isn't a forward direction. That much is clear by now, and anytime that word is used, it should instantly be hit back on. 

Then there's "alt-right." 

It's a term that, when expounded, means "alternative-right," with "alternative" meaning something that is mutually exclusive from the thing presented. When you stop to think about it, what "alt-right" really means is "the opposite of the right." Do you know what the "alt-right" is in this case? 

...the left. 

If you really want to describe people on the right as the "alt-right," then the closest you're going to come is someone like Liz Cheney or Mitt Romney. There are plenty of Republicans who could be described as being alt-right, and they're usually the ones doing the Democrat Party's chores. 

We can even pull back and look at a few of the politically correct phrases you're probably hearing a lot today that should be — and more and more are — brutally mocked.

"Cultural enrichment," as it's described by leftists, isn't cultural enrichment; it's displacement

"Transgenderism" isn't a real thing; it's a political concept that makes suffering from gender dysphoria, a very real and hellish mental disorder, into a popular personality quirk you can make your entire life (and voting habits) about.

"Non-Binary" runs along the same idea as transgenderism, but it's the idea that you're not male or female, which is ridiculous on two levels. Not only are there only male and female humans, but hilariously, saying you're non-binary indicates you're not part of the "male/female binary," putting you in a second group of people and thus right back into a binary. 

"Trans kid" is the idea that a child was born in the wrong body, but what it really is is an indicator that the kid's parent, guardian, or teacher is a child abuser since no one has ever been born as the wrong gender, of which there are only two.

"Democratic Socialism" is just socialism trying to use the word "Democratic" to make itself look youthful and dynamic in the same way an aging, past-her-prime stripper uses makeup to make herself look like she's still a viable stage presence.

"Feminism" isn't about equality between men and women; it's a female supremacist movement, and when broken down, the term even implies that. 

You can probably think of a million more in the comments, and you should feel free to post your own. 

The point is that there's a reason these words have been introduced into our lexicon through constant usage in the media in order to reinforce them. Once these phrases become accepted descriptors, any political or cultural battles that take place around these events are technically done on leftist territory. 

Refuse to argue by their terms before you argue at all. 


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