
It Was Never About Freeing Palestine

AP Photo/Kin Cheung

With the 2024 elections coming up, the desperation for the Democrats to find their latest thing for America to be outraged about is increasing, especially since nothing has truly caught on that could truly influence people to vote for them. Climate change isn't catching on, a second COVID scare was shrugged off, and Black Lives Matter is involved in too many financial scandals to be a valid option for a resurgence. 

What they do have, however, is an option that can allow the radicals in their party to go ham, and that's the Israel/Hamas conflict. If they can't rely on fear to cause voters to flock to them, then violence, intimidation, and destruction will do. What this will accomplish, I'm not sure. 

It's not like Americans are cowering. 

(READ: You Should Get a Gun)

One thing it might do is galvanize younger voters into action on behalf of the Democrat Party. The youth vote came out in force in the midterms, and maybe by getting them high on propaganda about Israel oppressing poor Palestinians, they might be able to roll them back out to the polls a second time. 

Relying on the youth sounds like a bizarre strategy, especially since the youth is famously unreliable when it comes to showing up on voting day, but it might be one of the few the left has that actually works at this point. All the left has to do is convince them they're fighting the good fight for hope and change, and the ignorance and thirst for dynamism of the youth will do the rest. At least, that's their hope. 

The "Free Palestine" movement accomplishes just this task. And they're rolling out whoever they can to help. Saint Greta Thunberg of the Church of Climate Change has been seen at these "pro-Palestine" rallies, with the hope being that they can make the war a part of the left's web of intersectionality. 

If you pay attention to what's happening, you'll notice some very similar notes being sung to this cause's song that were also sung during Black Lives Matter. 

As Jeff Charles noted in an article, "pro-Palestine" protesters were attempting to shame and intimidate Black Friday shoppers. It's an odd thing to do given these shoppers have nothing to do with the conflict in Gaza, but when you take a step back and look at it from a distance, it's not really about Gaza. 

The American "pro-Palestine" protest isn't about a conflict in some far-off country, it's about upending the system here in America. If you were to strip the masks off of some of these "pro-Palestine" protesters, you would see that they were the same people who were dressing in black bloc during Black Lives Matter protests. 

The people of Gaza ultimately don't matter. After the election has come and gone, the same people waving Palestinian flags now will forget about that cause and move on to whatever gets the most attention afterward, especially if a Republican is elected President. Ultimately, the main goal is the destruction of the Constitutional Republic, and in order to achieve that, they have to convince the youth that what this system upholds and supports is evil. 

This system upholds and supports Israel, so Israel now has to be considered the bad guy in order to successfully draw more ire to the American system. Once the people of Gaza have served their purpose, the left won't give them the time of day. They'll largely be forgotten about, at least until they become useful again. 

The target isn't a ceasefire or a two-state solution. It's not the safety and well-being of Palestinians. It's the destruction of America--and anyone or anything that holds it up. 


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