
One Outlet's Characterization of DeSantis Throwing His Hat In the Ring Is Revealing

(AP Photo/Butch Dill)

There is a lot of enthusiasm from Ron DeSantis fans when it comes to him announcing his run for President and while that’s absolutely natural, what’s a bit unnatural is the way at least one media outlet is characterizing it.

For all their hatred of DeSantis, there’s a rubbing of the hands to be heard as we watch him step up to the plate as they anticipate the Kong vs. Godzilla matchup between the Florida Governor and former President Donald Trump.

It’s not hard to see the reason why, but then The Hill said the quiet part out loud today with their characterization of DeSantis’s run in the headline itself: “DeSantis files to run against Trump in 2024.”


It doesn’t get much better in the body:

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has filed paperwork for his long-anticipated bid for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, offering himself up to GOP voters as an uncompromisingly conservative, yet still electable, alternative to former President Trump as the party grapples with recent electoral disappointments.

In launching a White House bid, the Florida governor is hoping to sell himself to Republican voters as a low-drama, winning substitute for Trump, a one-time political ally who has attacked DeSantis relentlessly in recent months over his presidential aspirations.

Early polling in the nascent GOP presidential primary has shown DeSantis as the clearest threat to Trump’s hopes of reclaiming the White House, though he’s still running well behind the former president in most surveys. At the same time, his support has stagnated somewhat in recent weeks following a series of political setbacks and questions among some top Republicans about whether he has what it takes to compete on a national stage.

Trump is mentioned no less than nine times in the article.

It’s as if the only point of DeSantis is to be a person running against Trump. According to The Hill, DeSantis isn’t running for the office of the President of the United States, it’s just to be Trump’s foil.

This is bait, and it’s bait for you. A lot of the focus is going to be on the Trump vs. DeSantis feud over the coming months. It’ll be, in my opinion, a much bigger fight than the GOP nominee vs. Biden showdown that will happen in the general election.

But the one thing we need not forget is that this isn’t about Trump, this is indeed about Biden. More accurately, this is about rescuing the country from the Democrats pulling Biden’s strings in the shadows.

The left would love nothing more than to have the GOP tear itself apart over this DeSantis/Trump showdown, and if there’s one thing the Democrats know better than anything, it’s how to create division. They know that if they create enough of it within the GOP that they can have a much easier time keeping their puppet in place.

While I’m not expecting us to hold hands around a campfire and discuss our feelings about our respective candidates calmly, what I am saying is that we shouldn’t let the media treat us like shaken bugs in a jar. The explosive fight that’s coming is going to be interesting enough and I have no doubt a ton of you are going to take part in it, but just remember that at the end of the day, when the dust settles, they’re the enemy.

The media, the Democrats, the leftist activists, all of these people are the true culprit. Not Trump or DeSantis. Given Trump’s pretty awesome time in the White House and DeSantis’s success with Florida, I’m not entirely sure I’d hate either man being in office.

By all means, fight like cats and dogs, but don’t be convinced to walk away if your guy doesn’t win. I think that’s going to be a goal of the media and we should probably keep an eye on it.


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