
The Really Offensive Part of the Miller Lite Ad

($106 billion)

Yesterday, the woke Miller Lite ad that had dropped before Bud Light’s Dylan Mulvaney overshadowed it resurfaced and is now making its way across the internet. While it’s decidedly less offensive than endorsing a man playing a caricature of a woman while demanding you agree that he really is one, the Miller ad came with its own issues.

The ad features actress Ilana Glazer badmouthing beer companies, including Miller, for featuring women in bikinis after giving credit to women for the creation of beer. Glazer is known for being an ardent leftist, but that’s beside the point. They blurred out the women’s faces in the video but kept their bodies well and exposed for some reason.

She goes on to encourage people to send in any beer paraphernalia that features women being sexualized to sell beer so they can destroy it, turn it into fertilizer, and hand it to women brewers to grow hops with. All of this is done with the word “sh*t” on repeat. In fact, the theme of the commercial is “turning bad sh*t into good sh*t.”

As I discussed in an article yesterday, this commercial is another attempt by the woke/feminist movement to make the sex appeal of women toward men evil. It’s the push to widen the gap between men and women by making men out to be evil for their natural impulses to seek out beautiful and sexy women and women out to be misled or naive for giving into theirs by wanting to be seen by men. It’s a push for society to “do better,” and by “do better” they mean “do what we tell you to do.”

(READ: Don’t Let Them Convince You Women Being Sexy to Appeal to Men Is Bad)

Good luck. The natural order isn’t going to be undone by a group of angry people with liberal arts degrees in feminist theory. Nature isn’t locked in here with social justice warriors, they’re locked in here with nature.

But as I was watching the ad I couldn’t also get the sense that there was something else wrong with it, and it hit me this morning. More accurately, it hit me years ago and it’s something I’ve been highlighting about the feminist movement for some time, but this is just one more confirmation that my theory is correct.

What the feminist movement — or any social justice movement for that matter — attempts to sell is that the people they claim to speak for are disadvantaged and weak against the overall system run by the oppressors. For feminists, the system is “the patriarchy” and the oppressors are men.”

This commercial pushes the idea that men were taking advantage of women and disrespecting them by utilizing women’s sex appeal to sell products. Never mind the fact that these women agreed to be in these ads of their own accord and that few people actually had an issue with this until the social justice movement took over mainstream culture. Never mind that women likewise enjoyed well-toned, handsome men in the media they consumed in return, which is apparently still approved of.

This ad is further confirmation that the feminist movement wants women to see themselves as victims and that without the help of the feminist movement, they’re too weak to fight against the machinations of a patriarchy that only cares about them for their ability to satisfy their desires and mother their children.

The end goal is for women to detest men for who they are naturally and believe that they need to separate themselves from the male of the species in order to live a life of success and self-respect. Being sexy is okay, but only if you’re doing it for yourself or by exposing yourself on the internet to these same men you’re supposed to hate for monetary gain.

That, at least in my opinion, is the real insult from this ad. It’s that they’re communicating to women that they’re helpless without the feminists looking after them because if they weren’t there then — clutch your pearls and ready the fainting couch — they’d use women’s sex appeal to sell products to men. Without feminism, you ladies would be lost in a wilderness of male domination because you’re too weak to fight back otherwise.

Clearly, none of these activists turned corporate strategists have experience in a healthy household, or else they’d know how much power women really have over their men.

It reminds me of a quote credited to Nia Vadalos in “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”: “The man may be the head of the household, but the woman is the neck, and she can turn the head whichever way she pleases.”


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