
The Free Market Is Coming for the Mainstream Media

Flickr via Gage Skidmore

Capitalism is the force through which civilization can grow and advance in ways never thought possible by our ancestors. Alternatively, it’s a mix of arsenic, anthrax, and kryptonite to authoritarians looking to control whatever they set their eyes on. It’s one of the reasons they are constantly trying to denounce it and/or curtail it where possible.

The mainstream media is a very solid example of authoritarianism suffering at the hands of the free market. As I wrote very recently, the legacy media is dying. People are tuning out. The shows that once had the entire country tuning in to see daily and prompted water cooler discussions the nation over are now shadows of their former selves. They’re divisive, hyper-partisan, propagandistic drivel that appeals to a small portion of the country.

(READ: The Mainstream Media Is Dying a Well-Deserved and Overdue Death)

The mainstream news media is one of the primary reasons for the slow death of the media. The brazen way in which they lie to the people might have flown before the creation of the internet, but the days when a lie could get around the world three times before the truth could get its pants on is over. Now, the truth doesn’t even need to wear pants, it just needs a half-decent Wi-Fi signal.

So much of the media’s malfeasance has been uncovered by everyday citizens that it’s developed a horribly negative reputation and is now distrusted by the majority. CNN, one of the most reviled news organizations in the country, has so few viewers at this point that you’re more likely to run into a person that practices witchcraft.

That’s not a joke.

The mainstream media is an arm of the Democrat Party. At this point, there’s no questioning it. It’s not a conspiracy theory anymore. While they would never admit it, the evidence is overwhelming. A rattlesnake sitting next to a dead bite victim has more of a chance to prove its innocence. There have been far too many stories regarding the media’s attempts to shape narratives, mislead the public, and even pay smaller media outlets to spread their lies.

(READ: There’s Barely Any Point to the Legacy Media Anymore)

So it was only natural that people would tune out, but that doesn’t mean they’re tuning out of news altogether. They’re just going somewhere else.

They’re going to YouTube to get their news updates from smaller, more trustworthy personalities. They’re going to Rumble to see the commentary they won’t get from mainstream talking heads. Now, they’re about to head to Twitter for Tucker Carlson.

As my colleague Sister Toldja wrote, the news that Tucker Carlson is creating a show under Elon Musk’s banner is terrifying the mainstream media. You can see their panic in the way they’re talking about this move and Carlson himself, with Oliver Darcey at CNN referring to Carlson as a “right-wing extremist.” Brian Stelter acted as MSNBC’s doomsayer for Carlson’s move to Twitter, saying that it would prove toxic to advertisers on Twitter.

(READ: The Delicious Media Tears Flow After Tucker Carlson Moves Show to Elon Musk’s Twitter)

Hilariously, the idea that Carlson or Twitter will suffer financially from this move is laughable. The amount of money Carlson stands to make is astronomical as my colleague Teri Christoph noted:

First, there are sponsorships. If we use the CPM (cost per one thousand) model, Tucker could easily command a best-in-class rate of $40 from advertisers (and there are plenty looking to support free speech!). That’s $40 for every one thousand listens, views, or downloads. We know that his two recent Twitter videos garnered millions of views and his show averaged around three million viewers, so we can safely estimate a Twitter viewership of at least two million (and that’s probably low). That means Tucker could charge $80,000 for each ad he reads during the show. And he would likely do at least three ads per show, and possibly more, bringing the daily total to $240,000. You can see how he could quickly and easily surpass his Fox News earnings just on sponsorships.

That’s not counting the subscriptions that will undoubtedly flow in like a river.

Carlson earned his audience and his appearance on what Musk deemed as the “new town square” is likely going to earn him an even bigger one. Carlson is likely to set a new standard in how people are reached and when that happens, other entities will attempt to follow suit as they should.

The market will have shifted and the legacy media, long bereft of any integrity or goodness, will be left in the dust.

A hilarious end to an entity that gave power to the socialists and anti-American groups in our nation for decades.



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