
That We Have to Argue Over Parental Involvement in Education Shows the True State of the Union

AP Photo/Ron Harris

The parents of America have been fighting an incredible battle against multiple opponents in the last couple of years, ranging from the federal government to local officials, when it comes to control over the education of their children.

This is not a battle parents should have to fight in a free country. The authority of the parent over the child should be unquestionable with few exceptions, and those exceptions have to be instances of very real harm or neglect. Otherwise, the freedom to raise one’s child in the way of their own culture and values is one of the defining characteristics of a free society.

Many a Democrat were pretty gung-ho about enforcing their own educational standards over your children, even to the point where they were willing to sic the Department of Justice on parents who spoke out at local school board meetings. Yet, it was pretty clear that parents were a much larger danger to them politically. It’s cost the left innumerable school board positions and at least one governorship.

(READ: Democrats Created a Political Party Far More Dangerous Than the Republicans)

Now, Democrats seem to be doing what most criminals do when they’re caught red-handed. They’re playing innocent and pretending like the wrongs they were committing against you and your family either didn’t happen or weren’t their intent. On Wednesday, the year’s first House Education and Workforce Committee hearing took place, and Democrats were immediately putting out the narrative that nobody on the left is saying parents shouldn’t be involved in the educational decisions of their children.

As reported by The Hill, Ilhan Omar brought this up, saying “I just hope that we put this argument that is not based on the actual facts […] be put to rest.”

Only it is based on very real facts. Teachers unions are so in bed with Democrats that you can’t tell where the Party ends and the union begins–and they’ve made it very clear that parents shouldn’t have any say over what their children are taught or how lessons go. They wrote as much in an article in the Washington Post.

The California Teachers Association spied on parents, so they could undermine them in their quest to even be educated in September of 2022.

Schools often are caught telling children to hide various aspects of their education from parents.

And need I remind you, Florida is currently having to come down on Disney, after it attempted to assist Democrats in fighting a bill that gave parents the right to know what’s transpiring between a school and K-4 students at all times. Democrats and Disney both attempted to paint the parental rights bill as a “Don’t Say Gay” bill and vowed to fight Republicans, and as a result, Disney is now losing nearly all its power in Florida as we speak.

Omar is lying. You are currently in a war for the future of your child and his or her education, against Democrats and their leftist allies. That we even have to have this battle reveals the true state of the union. We are currently in the midst of a civil war, and while there aren’t any bombs or bullets being thrown around, the fighting is just as dire.

If parents aren’t free to educate their children or have their children educated in a manner that they wish, then this country isn’t free. Full stop. It will take only one generation for the United States to disappear into a hellscape of authoritarian control. You will not recognize your own nation in just a few short years. Moreover, you won’t recognize your own children.

This may sound dramatic but there’s a reason dictators became so fixated with schools from the get-go. Rest assured, you have some fixated on your local school as you read this, and they’re making plans–if they haven’t made them already.


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