
Will Disney Learn Anything After Its Woke Agenda Cost the Company Almost Half of Its Market Value?

(AP Photo/Richard Drew, File)
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In 2022, the year of our Lord, Disney’s quest to sink itself into the mire of social justice was successful. Almost everything it produced was tailor-made to fit within the creative restraints the radical left had set for all corporate-created works. As a result, Disney faced the consequences that almost every other company has for disobeying the consumer’s commandments.

“If thou goest woke, then ye shalt goest broke.”

While Disney is a corporation so massive that going broke is unlikely, what it did do was watch as it bled out a massive amount of its worth. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Disney lost 45 percent of its market value in 2022, resulting in what amounts to the worst year for Disney’s stock since 1974. Moreover, its start to 2023 isn’t getting off the ground as they had hoped either:

While Avatar has now cracked $1 billion, becoming only the sixth film to reach that milestone in its first 14 days, the big budget film had a more modest start than expected. The sequel opened to $135 million domestically, which would be a healthy debut for most, but came in below tracking estimates of $150 million to $175 million. The movie also had trouble in China, as the country experiences a rise in COVID-19 cases, and brought in $57.1 million, rather than the expected estimates of more than $100 million. On top of that, director James Cameron has said the movie would need to make around $2 billion to break even.

Disney’s race to the bottom is rather confusing. The woke agenda that it embraced has clearly been rejected by audiences and the properties they infect with politics consistently disappoint. Yet, the company seems to learn absolutely nothing and continues to produce content that only pleases a small portion of the populace, and not one that generally likes to have children.

For instance, Disney gave “Star Wars” to Kathleen Kennedy, and despite the fact that the brand was so hot that people would stand in line in the cold for hours just for a ticket to see its latest outing at a later date, Kennedy oversaturated the market with Star Wars products and most of them adhered to feminist standards. What resulted is Star Wars becoming a brand that former fans scoff at if they don’t ignore it completely.

According to reports, the Disney+ show “Andor” stepped away from the politics that had infected the brand, but few people actually stopped to watch it after being disappointed by previous entries such as “Obi-Wan Kenobi” and “The Book of Boba Fett.”

(READ: Why Disney’s ‘Obi-Wan Kenobi’ Is Abject Garbage and Star Wars at Its Worst)

Pixar and Marvel have both suffered under the woke boot of Disney as well with Marvel likely being the hardest hit. What once was a cultural juggernaut is now a franchise that’s worn out its welcome after repeated efforts to force feminization and queer agendas into movies and shows.

The question is, what will Disney do to right its course? Is the ousting of former CEO Bob Chapek and the reinstallation of Bob Iger as head of the company going to help it reverse course? Don’t count on it. Iger is the spark that lit the political fire in Disney. Chapek was just the guy holding the gasoline.

(READ: If You Think Bob Iger Will Make Disney Better, I’ve Got Sour News for You)

What we’re seeing is a company becoming the prime example of “get woke, go broke.” Disney seems like it’s sticking to its political guns given its latest moves. So when asked the question of whether or not Disney will learn anything, the answer is “no,” but that’s not the best question to ask.

The better question is “Will anyone else learn anything from Disney’s failure to learn from its mistakes?”

If Disney wants to be the best example of what not to do, then fine. Studios and businesses need one. They need to see what happens when a company continues to spit in the face of their consumers and serve them what they think they need instead of what the consumer actually wants.

It’s sad that we’re now in 2023 and businesses need to learn this lesson after generations of growth in a capitalist system, but it’s apparently necessary.

Let Disney burn and let everyone else be warmed by it.


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