Did the Supreme Court Leak Cause the Democrat Party to Abandon the Trans Community?

Strange. Just the other day, the transgender community was the top group that fell under the protective umbrella of the Democrats. A woman looking to become a Supreme Court Justice even refused to define one. Now all of a sudden there are women again with this draft leak from the Supreme Court.


Did the trans community just lose its position as the highest and holiest group to the Democrat Party? Given how obedient it was before, it sure seems like it. Because in order to once again focus on women, the Democrats have to, once again, admit that there are genders.

The trans community just witness its first abandonment moment from the Democrats. It’s not the first and it definitely won’t be the last.

I talked about it during a RedState LIVE! livestream and clipped it for you. Enjoy!

If you’d like to see the whole episode, you can watch it below! Be sure to like the videos and subscribe to the RedState YouTube channel. We’re live every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at noon EST!


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