
The Last Thing the Social Justice Community Wants You to Be Is You

(AP Photo/Thibault Camus)

Accepting who you are is a central part of being happy in this life, and while improving yourself and your situation life is integral to maximizing happiness, a desire for improvement is not synonymous with hating yourself. It’s taking something great and making it greater.

Most people in our society take this as a given. We know everyone has flaws and that sometimes, it’s those flaws that make us who we are. We know that comparing yourself to others is the fast lane to self-hatred and that trying to morph yourself to fit in leads to massive amounts of insecurity.

If you were to view the social justice communities intentions as they are, you would find that their entire belief system is in defiance of all of these things.

According to the social justice community, who you are is a lie that you bought into because of societal norms and that you must work tirelessly to rid yourself of your programming and become what you were supposed to be in the first place…which is whatever they say it is.

Are you a woman? Wrong. Gender is fluid and men can have vaginas. Asserting that being a woman or having pride in being a woman is the same as hating transgender people and you will be labeled a “TERF.”

Are you a man? Then if you don’t reject your sex outright by identifying as one of the thousands of other genders, you must work to disassemble your inherent toxic masculinity and disassemble the patriarchy brought upon the world by your sex. If you don’t, then you’re the villain society collectively hates.

Are you white? Then you’re a racist. You must work to reject your whiteness and fight harder than anyone else against white culture and seek penance for your original sin by being wholly obedient to whatever narrative you’re given.

Are you into fitness? You’re fat-phobic.

Do you like to cook dishes from other countries? You’re into cultural appropriation.

It goes on and on and on. No matter who you are or what you’re into, it’s wrong. Who you are is wrong.

As I wrote about earlier in the day, the singer Adele said she loved being a woman and was labeled a transphobic TERF. She said nothing to denounce the transgender community, but it didn’t matter. The point was that she was something they disapprove of. They don’t want her to be her, they want her to be them.

Actress Thandiwe Newton has gotten so embroiled in social justice that she has caved to the idea that being yourself is horrid and broke down in tears apologizing to people with darker skin than hers, completely embracing the self-hatred the social justice community promotes.

Even lesbians are under attack as they refuse to embrace transgenderism’s claim that men are women and won’t have sexual relationships with these men who show up in their spaces. Social justice demands that these women submit to an idea and even have sex with people they don’t want to in order to avoid being labeled as bad people.

The point they’re making is clear: “Don’t be you, be who we tell you to be.”

I’m no psychologist but for years, I’ve noticed a very strong correlation between social justice adherence and massive amounts of depression and bizarre behaviors.

(READ: Bizarre Behavior, Violence, and Delusions: Social Justice Advocacy Looks a Lot Like a Mental Disorder)

It’d be hard for me to imagine that the complete rejection of the self one must undergo in order to be considered a social justice ally doesn’t have some sort of effect on the person’s mental health, causing them to exhibit all sorts of odd, self-destructive behaviors.

But one thing is for sure. If you do adhere to social justice you won’t be able to be you. You can only believe what they tell you to believe. You can only be what they tell you to be.

And that’s no way to live.


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