It's Official: Biden Announces Breyer's Retirement, Promises to Replace Him With a Black Woman

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

On Thursday, President Joe Biden officially announced the retirement of Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer and vowed to swiftly replace him with a black woman.


Biden called Breyer, 83, a “model public servant, in a time of great division in this country.”

Breyer took his seat on the court back in 1995 with Biden presiding over the Senate confirmation hearing as chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“We all had high hopes for the mark he would leave on the history of law and the Constitution,” said Biden of Breyer. “And he’s exceeded those hopes in every possible way.”

As previously reported by RedState, Breyer’s departure came after the urging of leftist activists who learned their lesson from Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s refusal to step away from her position, only to pass away during the height of the Trump administration. Then-President Donald Trump was successful in appointing three justices to the court including Neil Gorsuch, Amy Coney Barrett, and Brett Kavanaugh, tipping the ideological balance further to the right. Not willing to take that chance again, Breyer was pushed to retire before the midterm elections which do not look promising for Democrats.

USA Today reported that Biden confirmed that the next justice will be a black woman, with the top candidate being Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson:

President Joe Biden confirmed Thursday he will nominate a Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court for the first time in the nation’s history. One person widely considered to be a top candidate: Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson.

The 51-year-old, Harvard Law grad, who was recently confirmed to a seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, was floated as a possible nominee back in 2016 when President Barack Obama was still in the White House.


Jackson was previously a law clerk for Breyer. CNBC reported that, at this time, Jackson has support from all 50 Democrats and three Republicans, those being Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska.

At least one Democrat has signaled that the new justice should be less concerned with the law and more concerned with things like social justice. As RedState reported on Thursday, Mazie Hirono told MSNBC that the concern should be based on people and “not making decisions just based on” the law. To be sure, Jackson seems to have a bad habit of being overruled by higher courts after getting the law wrong.

Regardless, there are other names currently being floated, but Jackson seems to be in the running for the top choice to replace Breyer.


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