Twitter's New CEO, Parag Agrawal, Is Already Being Exposed as Someone Who May Make Twitter Far Worse

AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko

As RedState reported earlier, Jack Dorsey has stepped down as the CEO of Twitter. While many are happy to see the back of someone who was so divisive that he actually banned the President of the United States and stopped the distribution of a New York Post article that would damage Joe Biden, his replacement seems just as bad if not worse.


(READ: Jack Dorsey Has Officially Resigned as CEO of Twitter)

It was announced that Parag Agrawal, Twitter’s CTO would be replacing Dorsey, and the moment that happened there was already a dive into Agrawal’s past, including his tweets.

One such tweet that was dug up appears to be a quote Agrawal found interesting enough to Tweet.

“If they are not gonna make a distinction between muslims and extremists, then why should I distinguish between white people and racists,” was the quote.

According to Agrawal in a follow-up tweet, he was quoting Asif Mandvi from The Daily Show. At this point, it’s unclear why he found that quote worth posting to his Twitter.

While the context behind why he thought the quote was worth posting is still unknown, the tweet has drawn a good deal of attention and it’s likely that Agrawal will be forced to answer for it in the near future. Usually, when someone posts a quote like that they’re either highlighting it in order to discuss their disgust with it or they think it’s funny or they agree with it.

When Agrawal answers for this tweet we’ll know more, but until that time it’s unlikely that someone who is at the top of the food chain at a major tech company found the quote disagreeable.


Moreover, Agrawal has exhibited the leftist idea that facts should be dismissed if the facts can cause harm. In an interview conducted in 2020, Agrawal noted that Twitter wants to “focus way less on what’s true and false” and direct attention “way more on certain content being amplified without appropriate context.”  When asked how he defines “misinformation” he made it clear that “misinformation” and falsehoods aren’t necessarily one and the same, but could qualify as something that could possibly bring harm if it gets out.

What’s more, he said that “context” is “additional conversation that provides a different point of view on a topic so that people can see the breadth of the conversation on our platform.”


This reads a lot like Agrawal believes that facts and the truth can be dismissed and even restricted if it doesn’t line up with what he considers the right kind of thought and opinion. While he said he wants to see a wider breadth of conversation, dismissing the truth in favor of narrative is already an indicator that there will be a bias toward one way of thinking.

It would appear that Agrawal is just Dorsey 2.0 when it comes to bias and restrictiveness, but now it would also appear at this time that we’re adding generalizations toward white people and what they believe to boot.


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