Number of Convicted Sex Offenders Arrested at Biden's Border Reaches Staggering High

Townhall Media/Julio Rosas

The porous southern border has seen a massive uptick in crime and criminals and one shocking number has been released by officials that show you how dangerous the situation at the border has become, but also how it poses a danger to communities across America.


According to Fox News, the number of sex offenders arrested at the border has skyrocketed by over 3,000 percent:

Border Patrol agents in the Del Rio Sector in Texas have seen a 3,166% increase in arrests of convicted sex offenders compared to the same timeframe last fiscal year — as agents across the border continue to nab criminals with convictions for sex crimes, including against children.

The agency said that since Oct. 1, the beginning of Fiscal Year 2021, agents in the sector have arrested 95 convicted sex offenders — making a 3,166% increase over the same timeframe last fiscal year.

The New York Post reported on Wednesday that the CBP had nabbed 10 sex offenders in one week in the Del Rio Sector in Texas, whose crimes include the sexual assault of children:

The perps’ convictions include charges of lewd and lascivious acts with a child, sexual assault of a child under 14, sexual assault of a child, sexual assault, sexual conduct with a person under 13, and statutory rape.

The deterioration of the border comes on the heels of many of the Biden administration’s day-one policy decisions, including stripping protections on the border put in place by the Trump administration, including the cessation of the completion of the border wall. What’s more, Biden effectively abolished Immigration and Customs Enforcement which reported rules enforced upon it by the current administration caused it to only conduct less than 3,000 deportations last month, the lowest level on record.


For perspective, the CBP reported that it had 178,622 encounters with illegal immigrants at the border in April, none of which were actually deported, but simply released back into America.

Keep in mind that these are just the ones who got caught. There’s no telling how many illegal migrants weren’t even seen by police, and that includes sex offenders which are now making their way into your communities.

Vice-President Kamala Harris was put in charge of the border by Biden, but it’s unclear what it is exactly that she’s doing to help the situation, nor has she visited the border she’s in allegedly in charge of. New Mexico Republican Rep. Yvette Herrell urged Harris to visit the border in New Mexico to witness the current situation herself but has yet to receive an answer.

In April, it was announced that Harris was going to skip the border and head to Mexico and Guatemala in order to conduct a “high-level diplomatic” mission where she will investigate the issues causing the border crisis.

The truth is a lot more simple. Biden’s policies are causing our border to become unstable, unsafe, and unmanageable. Reintstituting the policies put in place by the Trump administration will go a long way to helping get this back under control, however, it’s highly unlikely that will happen as the radical left that called for the abolishment of institutions like ICE and far greater leniency toward illegal immigration is being obeyed.


This is a Democrat party-caused problem, and they can either solve it or make way for a party that will.


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