Joe Biden's Approval Rating Tanks When It Comes to How He Handles Reopening Schools

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

President Joe Biden’s approval rating overall isn’t too bad, but when it comes to how he’s handling the reopening of schools, you can see the wide gap in his armor.


According to Fox News, a new poll shows that less than half of Americans actually like what he and his administration is doing to get our kids back into classrooms:

Fifty-eight percent of Americans approve of the job President Biden is doing handling the federal government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.

But the same survey from Quinnipiac University also shows that when it comes to the president’s handling of the reopening of schools amid the COVID crisis, Biden’s approval rating plummets.

Only 42% of those surveyed by Quinnipiac say they approve of the job the Biden administration is doing in helping schools return to in-person instruction, with 38% disapproving and one in five unsure or offering no opinion.

Biden’s messaging on reopening schools has been a confusing mess of promises, doublespeak, and contradictions. His campaign promise to have schools open in the first 100 days was contradicted by his own Press Secretary Jen Psaki, who said that a school would be considered “open” if it even just held in-person classes one day a week.

With teachers unions demanding more safety precautions that would take time to install and Biden’s promises going unfulfilled to the people, tensions are mounting against him, and so is the anger from the people. Biden’s adherence to the whims of teachers unions means he’s not too concerned about his promises or the wishes of Americans. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell highlighted this in a recent statement on the floor.


“In places across America where public education depends on the whims of a powerful public-sector union, the best interests of children have often come dead last,” he said. “As the months have rolled by and the data have poured in, it’s become clear that schools can open safely.”

“An administration that puts facts and science first would be conducting a full-court press to open schools,” he added.

How Biden chooses to proceed from here could affect midterms going forward. Will he obey the teachers unions or the American people? Both may have consequences, but only one truly matters.


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