Leftists More Easily Manipulated by TV and Film According to New Survey

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There’s a reason Hollywood celebrities continue to make cringe-worthy PSAs and it’s because they have a high success rate of changing the minds of those who lean left.


According to a survey done by Morning Consult and The Hollywood Reporter, those who lean left are more easily susceptible to suggestions by the things they see in hear on the silver screen or what they see on their home screens as reported by the Daily Wire:

The survey asked: “To what extent has your opinion about racism been changed by a docuseries, movie, or TV show like ‘Green Book’ or ‘Crash’?”

17% of Democrats and 4% of Republicans responded with “a lot,” in contrast with 10% of all persons surveyed.

The survey asked: “To what extent has your opinion about sexism been changed by a docuseries, movie, or TV show like ‘The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel’ or ‘A League of Their Own’?”

14% of Democrats and 5% of Republicans responded with “a lot,” in contrast with 10% of all persons surveyed.

The survey asked: “To what extent has your opinion about LGBTQ people been changed by a docuseries, movie, or TV show like ‘Brokeback Mountain’ or ‘Modern Family’?”

15% of Democrats and 5% of Republicans responded with “a lot,” in contrast with 10% of all persons surveyed.

The survey asked: “To what extent has your opinion about climate change been changed by a docuseries, movie, or TV show like ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ or ‘Planet Earth’?”

The difference was more stark on this question. 27% of Democrats and 7% of Republicans responded with “a lot,” in contrast with 18% of all persons surveyed.


The differences remain pretty static until the question about how things seen on the screen effect environment.

The study doesn’t go into why this may be, but if I were to throw a theory out, it’s one of two things. Either those who lean Republican are naturally more inclined to be less lead by things they often understand to be fiction, or — and this is more likely — Republicans and those who lean right have been trained over time to not believe what the mainstream media pumps out.

Since the right is often maliciously targeted by the media, and many documentaries are geared toward pushing a leftist narrative than an accurate one, the right has become wary of media manipulation. Especially in the age of the internet where proof of media falsehoods are just a click away, the right tends to immediately disbelieve or withhold judgement on what’s presented to them, while the left is ready to have its biases confirmed once the mainstream presents their own beliefs back to them.

I say the latter is more accurate because no one is immune to confirmation bias, but in the age when the left is in firm control over the mainstream media, it’s much easier for those on the right to be tougher nuts to crack in terms of manipulation.


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