WATCH: Kamala Harris Struggles to Come Up With a Reason Why You Should Vote for Her

If you’re running for the position of leader of the free world, then when asked what sets you apart from other candidates you should definitely have some answer put aside that gives people confidence. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) doesn’t seem to have any.


Appearing on Jimmy Kimmel “Live,” the 2020 hopeful was asked by Kimmel what sets her apart from the rest of the massive field, Harris seemed to stumble and come up with something.

“There are a lot of people running for the Democratic nomination and you mostly agree on things. Would you say that’s fair?” Kimmel asked.

“I think on a lot of issues, yeah. I think that’s right,” Harris responded.

“So how are you different from — I mean obviously besides from being yourself and your background, but as far as policy goes, as far as a plan goes, how are you different?” Kimmel followed. “Because, for me, what I need to figure out is, ‘Okay, there’s a lot of people here.’ How do you distinguish?”

“That’s fair … Obviously it’s going to be a long campaign and all of us will, you know, have opportunities to speak and the voters will learn more and obviously, voters ultimately will make the decision,” Harris said, taking her time to answer.

“I think one of the distinctions is, um … I have a background in having been a leader and I think that the voters are going to decide who will be the next commander in chief and president of the United States based on experience of leading. I have led on a local government level, state government, and now federal government.”


This doesn’t set her apart from any of the other candidates. Many of the politicians here have had leadership experience on some level or another. Harris essentially admitted on national television that she’s got nothing.

In fact, Harris hasn’t really done much to achieve fame short of being a central figure on the attack against now Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and using that incident as a platform by which to elevate her national recognition by engaging with Kavanaugh in a bizarre line of questioning about who he’s talked to in his past.

She remained relatively unknown until her CNN town hall, which put her third in the running for candidates Democrats would like to nominate in 2020. Even then, this might signal a serious problem for Democrats.

As I wrote in further detail, Harris’s radical positions may not be as much a help to Democrats as some hope.


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