The Amusing, Confused Press Complex - Biden's Demise Has News Outlets Conflicted in Coverage

AP Photo/Julio Cortez

 As the dismay surrounding President Silver Alert's prospects continues, it has become a scenario leading us to buy popcorn in bulk tubs. The Democrats are dissolving into a political civil war, all while the supplicant media are left adrift. Which side of the power struggle do the sycophant journalists support?! This leads to mirthful results, exposing paradoxes and contradictions.


The New York Times is one example of an outlet hogtied by its own claims. When the debate proved that all of Joe Biden’s infirmities pointed out by some were in fact real, The Times issued a piece declaring his condition was a problem. This conflicted with reports days earlier that video evidence of his faculties in remission had been faked – as seen in the very same news outlet. After claiming those had been “Misleading Videos” (or "cheap fakes"), the same outlet immediately came out to call for Biden to step down when the proof was evident.

Now the paper is grappling with how to interpret the internal struggle that the Democrats are waging. The dismay is apparent, and the confusion with the walls of the Gray Lady’s headquarters seeps onto both its pulp and digital pages. How does one reconcile seeing the way it veers from saying the evidence was fake, then the evidence was grounds for Biden’s dismissal, to now suggest that there is a nefarious conservative plot to have Biden removed?

In its latest offering, we see The Times coming out to declare that the current condition of things on the party ticket is a conservative conspiracy. Stuart Thompson struggles mightily in his attempt to deflect the roiling issue onto Republicans and conservatives. 


For years, far-right commentators have floated a conspiracy theory that Democratic Party elites were secretly plotting to replace President Biden on the ticket — a switcheroo that could give the party an advantage in November.

What Thompson is attempting to shunt aside is the very fact that Biden’s debilitation was on display during the 2020 campaign. He dodged reporters and limited his media exposure, an odd call during what is always a publicity tour. The press shrugged at the frequency the campaign would abruptly “call a lid” on planned activities, and journalists joked about Biden campaigning from the basement. This led to speculation at the time about how long it would be before Joe stepped down for one reason or another. 

That Biden has managed to leg it out for most of a full term is itself a surprise, and he is appearing more than gassed while well away from the finish line. In other words, the speculation was not conspirational but proven accurate. This is something Thompson does have to grudgingly acknowledge: “Suddenly, Mr. Biden being replaced by another Democrat as the party’s presidential nominee seems like a distinct possibility.”

Yet he continues to attempt to point an accusatory finger to the right. See, this is not a case of those who predicted this result and reported on Biden’s condition being shown accurate. No, these analysts fell into this proper condition.


But every now and then, one of those stories collides with reality. The influencers who spread the ideas seize on their luck, using the moment to lend credibility to their work.

What is on display here is the press being exposed anew because the very story they long chose to hide and avoid has been proven correct. Biden’s realistic condition means the years of journalistic subterfuge are laid out, and Thompson resorts to a sophomoric explanation. He sounds like the pitcher giving up a home run and claiming the batter had his eyes closed or the defender allowing a touchdown and saying it was just a lucky bounce.

Making this all the more hilarious is that as the New York Times tries to sell us the story that the removal of Biden is nothing more than a conservative conspiracy, Axios comes out with a report detailing that Biden is literally being targeted for removal – by those in his own party. It becomes impossible to see the “conservative conspiracy” when it is reported that the forces looking to prybar Biden off the ticket are from the Obama and Clinton administrations.

This expose was published within hours of the New York Times pushing its Blue-anon theorizing. It shows the swirling dismay in the press circles these days and how they deserve all the mockery and derision coming their way. This too is something of a concern in the press, as seen in another Axios column published one day earlier. It seems that the public scorn arriving from the exposure of the complicit nature of the press is harming journalists.


Many are being harassed on social media for being too soft on Biden. In our experience, most reporters are more insecure than people think, and highly sensitive to how friends and foes see them, especially on X.

Now, I am not one to encourage others to go out and harass these extremely sensitive reporters and pundits who are deeply affected by those who directly address them for not doing their jobs and challenging them for violating journalistic ethics as they abandoned their mission to hold the powerful accountable while lying boldly to the public. Of course, if you were personally inspired to do so, that is entirely your choice, and I would respect your decision on this matter.

Govern yourself accordingly!


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