
The Lie-Able Sources Podcast: Slaves, Censorship, Cancer, Bugs, and So Much More

It has been an active week in the media trenches, with plenty in the form of madness to catalog. We’ll start with the dismay that many news outlets felt that their attempt to destroy Jason Aldean over his latest single has only led to him debuting at the top of the music charts (Rolling Stone Magazine hardest hit). Next, we take a look at the Washington Post, of all outlets, giving a guide for readers on how to avoid gaslighting in their lives. Many have already come up with the solution — they canceled WaPo subscriptions.

There are also issues with slavery in Florida, politicians censoring people in order to avoid censorship, NPR wants you to eat insects but they do not want you to discuss the matter, and Joe Biden has triumphantly declared he cured cancer. He has not actually done so, but his announcement of this was triumphant enough.

Now crack one open and savor some mainstream media mayhem and malpractice.



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