BREAKING - Columbus Police Report Arrest of Man Suspected of Raping 10-Year-Old Girl at Center of Abortion Debate

Authorities have arrested a man in connection with the rape of the young girl in the questioned abortion case.

The Columbus Dispatch reports that local police have announced the arrest of a 27-year-old man who they say has admitted to raping the 10-year-old girl at the heart of a swirling story regarding abortion rights — one which has generated speculation as to its accuracy. As I reported on Sunday, details of the case were in question and there had been little to no movement on the case as it was reported. 


Even as of this week there had been no indicators that there was validity to any aspect of the story. Now, more questions arise as an arrest directly linked to the child in question has been made. Lead Detective Jeff Huhn stated, following an arraignment this morning, that the man has confessed to raping the girl on at least a pair of occasions. The judge in the case declined to hold the defendant without bond, but did set it at $2 million, as the man is believed to be an illegal resident and potential flight risk. 

Huhn has stated that the rape does, in fact, concern the child who was transported to Indiana in order to receive an abortion.

The story has been called into question in recent days, including by myself, due to the noted lack of movement and verification of the details of the story. Megan Fox of our partner site PJ Media has been at the forefront of getting to the bottom of the story. Fox has asked a number of questions on the details and no information had been forthcoming from officials.

Now, more questions arise, about the story that was initially reported on July 1. On Monday, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost spoke with Jesse Waters and stated that their department had seen no indication of this crime occurring or being reported. Now, today, it was declared that this case was brought to authorities by Franklin County Children Services. They had the report of the girl being raped on June 22. That also calls into question the assertion that it was “too late” for the girl to obtain an abortion in Ohio, as that was two days prior to the Dobbs ruling.  


The issue now is to ask how no other notifications, no official reports being circulated, and no evidence of a rape kit being administered had been brought to the attention of anyone on a state level. The great news of a potential rapist being brought to justice is countered by the fact that now it has been confirmed that this young girl has in fact been preyed upon.

This means that three weeks after the incident was brought to light at a CPS office, there had been little-to-no communication with state offices. The story had spun into a global interest piece, with the President commenting on the case last Friday, and yet the state law enforcement saw no indication of this crime in its files. If Columbus authorities had been working this case, it strikes as curious that with all the furor circulating, the state officials had not been apprised of things until a court appearance took place.

The individual being held has had DNA samples taken and will have those tested against the evidence gathered from the young girl involved. The relief is that a rapist is taken off the streets. Hopefully, in the coming weeks, the specifics behind this story will come to full light.



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