WATCH: Late Again, Biden Speaks on Trump Assassination Attempt, Signals No Accountability Coming

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Joe Biden was scheduled to give an update on the attempted assassination of Donald Trump on Sunday, but he kept the nation waiting, as has become his pattern. He showed up nearly an hour late to deliver just a few minutes of remarks before exiting the room without taking questions.


The president opened by denouncing all violence, saying there is "no place" for it in America. Biden then quickly dove into urging caution about assuming a motive.

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Nothing is more mind-numbing than when government officials play dumb about a motive because the truth is politically inconvenient. A man did not try to shoot Trump in the head because he secretly likes him or because he thinks the former president's preference for ketchup on steak is objectionable. We all know why this attempted assassination occurred, and Biden suggesting otherwise shows how low he's willing to go to protect his failing political fortunes. 

That wasn't the worst part of the president's remarks, though. That came when he announced that he's ordered the head of the Secret Service to conduct a thorough investigation. 

Translation: No accountability is coming for the worst Secret Service failure in decades. 


Kimberly Cheatle, who leads the Secret Service, should have already been asked to resign at this point. This is the worst Secret Service failure since President Ronald Reagan was shot over 40 years ago. The idea that she gets to keep her job after that is insane. The idea that she's now going to lead an investigation into what happened is even more ridiculous. The buck has to stop at the top with these agencies, and when you have a screw-up this big, leading to a former president being shot and another person being killed, heads need to roll. 

This is just a continuation of Biden's fecklessness. After the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, no one was fired. One can only assume that the president doesn't want the bad headlines of having to fire his Secret Service head and is putting that above the safety of protectees. 

Biden then called for unity.

As pointed out above, just five days ago, the president called for Democrats to "put Trump in a bullseye." He has also spent years calling Trump and Republicans in general threats to democracy, claiming that the Constitution will cease to exist if they get elected. His "red speech" in Philadelphia was made infamous after he painted everyone who supports Trump as possible domestic terrorists. So yeah, calls for unity from Biden now that he's feeling the heat and knows he's losing ring rather hollow. 


From there, the president shuffled away, taking no questions. His physical appearance was disturbing, to say the least. It's pretty clear he has Parkinson's disease at this point, whether the White House wants to keep covering it up or not.

The former president of the United States on his watch, being "protected by his Secret Service was just shot, and Biden doesn't have time to answer any inquiries about his thought process or what he's been briefed on. All we garnered from that press conference is that no accountability is coming.


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