MUST SEE: Right Before His 'Big Boy' Presser, Biden Makes Incredible 'Mistake' During NATO Meeting

AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein

As I write this, we are less than an hour away from when Joe Biden is supposed to show up and give his "big boy" press conference. Will he show up on time? Almost certainly not, but we've already got a preview of how things are probably going to go. 


In a scene testifying to just how far gone the American president is, his introduction of Volodymyr Zelensky went all kinds of wrong on Thursday afternoon. While introducing the Ukrainian president during a NATO meeting, Biden called him "President Putin." 

BIDEN: And now I want to hand it over to the President of Ukraine, who has as much courage as he has determination. Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin.

Somewhere, deep in the White House, Biden's comms team just cracked open a bottle of Jack Daniels and started what is sure to be a night of chain smoking. The evidence of the president's senility has become a relentless, never-ending stream. Every few hours, there's a new clip or a new story detailing how far gone he is. There's no escape. There's no break. The dam has broken, and it's not getting put back together. 

I can't even claim to have some deeper analysis to offer here. What else is there to say about the president's condition that hasn't already been said? Biden calling Zelensky "President Putin" was just too good not to share, though. This stuff needs to be put out there because it's too important to remain obscure. 


A few minutes later, Biden, who had shown up over an hour late (a perpetual issue that is chafing our allies), meandered off the stage.

And now we wait, at least if you are reading this article immediately after it is published. The White House better has some miracle tonic to give Biden because if this is the guy who is showing up to do the "big boy" press conference they've been bragging about, it's going to be an absolute disaster. 

Thursday, July 11th could be the end of Biden's presidency. What a crazy time to be alive. 


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