MUST-SEE: Pro-American Students Take Back Their Campuses, 'USA' Chants Leave Hamas Simps Raging

AP Photo/Jake Offenhartz

If there was ever a time for a feel-good story, this is it. Amid a litany of violent, illegal takeovers of college campuses by pro-Hamas fanatics, the tide is beginning to turn. 


Multiple student-led counter-protests occurred on Friday, with chants of "USA" drowning out terror supporters waving "Palestinian" flags. One such scene unfolded at LSU, where frat bros held up an American flag and took over the common area while the pro-Hamas contingent raged.

This one hits you right in the feels.

If you follow Three Year Letterman, you'll understand why this next clip is so incredible.

It wasn't just an SEC school in a Republican state, though. Pro-American counter-protesters also showed up at the University of Chicago and marched through the pro-Hamas encampment, breaking their human chains. Before doing so, they blasted "Born in the USA" over loudspeakers. 

Hilariously but expectedly, the Hamas simps were supremely triggered by the shows of patriotism. 

These are just the latest examples of normal students pushing back against the takeovers of their campuses by terror supporters. Similar counter-protests occurred at Ole Miss, Alabama, and UCLA recently. At UNC Chapel Hill, an iconic photo emerged as frat bros held up an American flag to keep it from touching the ground while pro-Hamas fanatics tried to unsuccessfully raise the Palestinian flag.


This also happened at George Washington University.  

Something feels different in the air. The fear of pushing back is diminishing, and it's becoming apparent that these "encampments" enjoy no real popular support. They are astroturfed by terrorist interests, and most Americans aren't interested in that, as evidenced by a recent poll showing 80 percent support Israel's operation in Gaza. 

With as bad as things have been, some shows of patriotism are a welcome development. No country is perfect, but the sheer amount of hate being shown to America by people who have been uplifted and given every privilege by it is disgusting. The more they are drowned out, the better. Perhaps that's something we can all unify around.


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