Biden Shows Up at a Black Church and Gets Heckled While Making Wildly False Claims

AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough

As RedState reported, Joe Biden showed up in South Carolina on Monday to pander to the one demographic he can't afford to lose. 

READ: Biden Stands on the Graves of Dead Black Bodies to Warn About Trump's Hatred


He spoke at Mother Emanuel AME Church, a historic black congregation, to shore up the support he's been bleeding recently. It was an awkward affair, with the president spacing out on stage as hymns were sung. Make no mistake, this was a blatantly political event being held in a religious setting, but Democrats have never had any fear of breaking tax-exempt rules when it comes to churches.

Biden wasn't at the podium long before things went off the rails. Pro-Hamas protesters heckled him in a church, and instead of demanding they show some respect, he threw Israel under the bus in response. 

Giving disgusting terrorist supporters credence by claiming they are just passionate is gross, as is telling them that he's actively working against Israel's campaign to eliminate Hamas. Why would they "significantly get out of Gaza" at this point? Their prior retreat from Gaza is what helped set the stage for October 7th. 

Some ally the United States is, right? The pandering didn't stop there either.


I would imagine that at least some black Americans find this kind of rhetoric insulting. The 2020 George Floyd riots resulted in billions of dollars in damage and dozens of deaths across the country. Absolutely nothing positive resulted from all the violence and chaos. Calling that a "historic movement for justice" is a slap in the face to real civil rights leaders throughout history. 

Astonishingly, though, Biden actually claimed that he started the civil rights movement in Wilmington, DE. 

That's the President of the United States, who is blindly white, claiming that he spent more time in a black church than black people and that he started his very own civil rights movement. Will any fact-checkers take notice? Of course, not, and the falsehoods continued. 

That's a tall tale that Biden has told before, with the claim being that evil oil companies were spewing so much solid oil into the air that it would coat the windshields of cars. No evidence to support that claim has ever surfaced, and all we have is the word of a senile man cosplaying as Forrest Gump.


For context, Biden made the above statement on the same day that the National Park Service, under his direction, removed a statue of William Penn from a public park. That is quite literally erasing history. I might as well be yelling at the sky, though. Words do not matter for Biden and the rest of his party. These are the same people who claim they are saving "democracy" by removing their political opponents from state ballots. 

So are these kinds of events going to help Biden win back the black vote, to the extent that he's lost it? You be the judge. I'd guess not. Certainly, this isn't going to stir up any enthusiasm.


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