The 'Squad' Responds to the Palestinian Murder Spree in the Most Morally Bankrupt Way

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Hundreds are dead, thousands are injured, and dozens have been kidnapped after Palestinian terrorists invaded Israel overnight. Horrifying scenes played out, with women and children being tortured and murdered in the streets. 


The Israeli response is already well underway. Airstrikes have been slamming the Gaza Strip, and shortly before dark, electricity was cut to the area, paving the way for ground forces to operate. A full-scale invasion is imminent. 

With that said, most American politicians have shown solidarity with Israel given the abject evil being perpetrated in what some are calling the nation's Pearl Harbor. Then there's the so-called "squad," which consists of House representatives Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, among others. 

It wasn't long before those in the group who did speak settled on a narrative. Namely, they want an "immediate ceasefire."

Let's be clear about what's really being asked here. For 18 hours, Pressley and Omar said nothing as Palestinian terrorists murdered families in cold blood. Only once Israel gathered itself and began to exact a cost for those heinous war crimes did the "squad" decide it was time for a ceasefire. That's deliberate, in my opinion. Like the Palestinians themselves, Omar and Pressley want the terrorists they support to be able to rape and murder without paying a real cost. 


Remember when you were a kid and you'd try to call time-out right before your friend was going to beat you at whatever game you were playing? The "squad" wants a time-out just in time to save Hamas from destruction. It's a morally bankrupt position wrapped in the facade of caring about human life.

Israel's answer should be an unequivocal no, and it looks like it will be given the reports of their forces amassing to enter the Gaza Strip. This is not the time for them to disengage and let these terrorists off the hook. Doing so would only guarantee further violence. The Palestinians pushed too far, and nothing short of the total destruction of Hamas will suffice.


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