Biden's Handlers Rush to Clean-Up His Stunning 'No Comment' Answer on Maui Fire

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

Well, that didn't take long. As RedState reported, Joe Biden stunned onlookers earlier on Monday by answering "No comment" to multiple inquiries about the devastating Maui fire. The Hawaiian Island has been battling deadly wildfires, with the death toll currently sitting at 89 people. 


One would think this would be an all-hands-on-deck affair, much like when a hurricane causes widespread devastation, but the president has been enjoying yet another vacation in Rehobeth Beach, Delaware. That followed two prior vacations that spanned multiple weeks in July and August (and Biden is scheduled to head to Lake Tahoe soon for a week as well). 

When queried by reporters on whether he'd visit Maui, Biden answered "No comment" while sunbathing on the beach. Later, as he was entering an SUV to leave, he was asked to simply comment on the situation at large. Again, he answered "No comment," this time smirking at the cameras in a very inappropriate way given the subject matter.

89 people are dead, with many more sure to be reported, and the president smiles when asked to just comment on the suffering occurring. The optics were just horrific, and Biden's handlers obviously noticed. Shortly after that latest clip appeared, the president's official X account sprung into action. 

I'll save you the rest of the thread, as it's just a rehash of the federal government's response, but given the detail, does anyone really believe Biden wrote it? This is a man who, just hours earlier, was basically laughing at questions about Maui and refusing to interact with the press, even if just to say "we mourn the losses." Then suddenly an X thread appears expressing sympathy. I mean, come on. We all know who actually wrote that, and we know why it was written. 


The real Biden is the Biden who is in the video clips. He's the Biden who has no sense of timing and doesn't show an ounce of care about anyone but himself and his political stature. Imagine a world in which George W. Bush had said "No comment" when asked about visiting New Orleans after Katrina. Heck, I'm old enough to remember when the younger Bush finished reading a story to children after 9/11 so as not to scare them and the press spent eight years claiming it showed a lack of empathy. 

Of course, no member of the press seems to care at all about the current president being an aloof sociopath that vacations during national emergencies while trolling reporters as people perish. Funny how the standards change depending on which party the current president belongs to.


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