New Disney CEO Folds to Ron DeSantis Like a Wash-and-Wear Suit

AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee

Big changes are coming to Disney, and though I would have never suspected it given past history, it looks like Bob Iger is looking to turn away from overt political activism.


Iger returned to the role of CEO in the last few weeks, having started Disney’s woke revolution many years ago. Yet, the company’s disastrous battle with Florida’s Ron DeSantis has him ready to change course. According to Iger, he regrets the clash with the rock-star Republican governor and will look to move Disney toward a more neutral position in the culture wars.

Better late than never, I suppose, and to be sure, there’s still a bit of “I’ll believe when I see it” in play here. Objectively, though, it’s a good thing to see Disney bend the knee. Don’t be fooled by Iger’s somewhat couched language. This is a major walk back of Disney’s prior policy on political activism. It’s also an incredibly smart business move given how unpopular the forcing of far-left orthodoxy on children is among the general population of parents.

With that said, Iger has a battle in front of him. It’s easy for him to say this stuff, but Disney is infested with leftwing lunatics who believe it is their job to shove a “not-so-secret gay agenda” down the throats of audiences. Those people are not going to go quietly, and there’s going to be a lot of entertainment value in watching the chaos.


On the other hand, Iger would not have been brought back in if the plan wasn’t to give him free rein to purge the troublemakers. We’ll soon find out how much of a stomach he has to do what needs to be done, but the shakeup at CEO was clearly driven by financial concerns, and those tend to trump woke virtue signaling when push comes to shove.

Returning to DeSantis, this is what extreme competence in governance gets you. When he decided to take on Disney, so many on the right told him he was making a mistake. Some even mocked him, proclaiming that he’d never beat such a popular entity in the State of Florida. Well, who’s laughing now? Because Disney’s new CEO just got up on a stage and folded like a wash-and-wear suit.

Imagine what a person with DeSantis’ abilities could accomplish in the White House. There is no one else as well-equipped to take on the entrenched bureaucratic state, and he has the skins on the wall to prove it. He’s willing to take on the tough battles, but there’s more to owning the libs than just shouting. DeSantis is always a step ahead, and that’s a quality that’s rare in Republican circles these days.


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