White House Goes Full Thelma and Louise in Response to Soul-Crushing Inflation Report

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Given that most of you reading this reside in the United States and buy various products and services on a daily basis, you didn’t really need Tuesday morning’s breaking news to tell you inflation is out of control. Americans have long been getting slammed at the gas pump, in the grocery stores, and on their electric bills.


But things can always get worse, and as RedState reported previously, here are some of the eye-watering cost increases hitting middle-class families.

Seeing the latest inflation number clock in at 8.5 percent year-over-year overall (a number that is misleadingly low given what things are bought most often) is absolutely crushing, not just because of what it tells us about March of 2022, but because it shows the trend isn’t slowing down. If you think things are bad now, just wait until the summer months.

With all that out there, the White House has decided to go full Thelma and Louise, pedal down over the cliff. Instead of sympathizing with Americans and trying to promulgate policies that lower costs, the administration is accusing anyone of criticizing them of being agents of the Kremlin.

Here was Jesse Lee, a senior economic advisor to Joe Biden, pushing the “Putin’s Price Hike” falsehood while insinuating that GOP Sen. Rick Scott is doing Russia’s bidding.


There’s a word for continuing to double down on a message that people clearly aren’t buying, and insanity is the name of the game for the Biden administration. Just a day prior to this horrific inflation report coming out, Jen Psaki also repeated the same line. The White House is desperately trying to deflect the blame it so richly deserves in getting us to this point, and all they’ve got is shouting “Russia” over and over.

The reality is that while you could blame Russia for part of the most recent rise in gas prices, everything else listed above has been skyrocketing for well over a year, and gas was also on a steady climb prior to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Going back to December 2021, the inflation rate sat at seven percent, a number that was shocking at the time, and well over three times the typical rate. Russia didn’t do that.

For the White House to continue to push this “Putin’s Price Hike” garbage is just insulting to everyone’s intelligence at this point. The current inflationary cycle began after Joe Biden was elected. It then accelerated after he and his party passed the American Rescue Plan, a $2 trillion boondoggle that overheated the economy. Americans got a $1,200 check, but the inflation since that point has cost them thousands more in increased costs. Does anyone think that was a good trade-off?


This is the idiocy of Democrat economic policy on full display, and as I said, no one is buying the excuses. Yet, here’s Ronald Klain pretending that Americans are just too stupid to see how great the economy actually is.

Honestly, I hope they keep this up because it’s going to lead to an absolute wipeout come November. I want Biden and his lackeys to keep their heads in the sand, thinking that if they just scream about Russia loud enough that people will suddenly believe they didn’t just pay $6 for a pound of ground beef. I’ll be here laughing as their political car goes over the cliff. Unlike Thelma and Louise, though, I don’t think the Biden administration will become icons for their self-immolation.


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